New Shluchim To Southwest Miami




    New Shluchim To Southwest Miami

    Rabbi Ari and Devorah Werbler and their 3 children have relocated from their home and community in Chicago to do the Rebbe’s Shlichus in Southwest Miami • Full Story

    With the help of Hashem and the Rebbe’s guidance, we have relocated from our home and community, amongst family and friends in Chicago, to build a Jewish community center in Southwest Miami.

    We have begun to create a warm and welcoming Jewish center, where family and individuals can worship and experience their Jewish heritage in a nonjudgmental and friendly atmosphere. With Hashem’s help, we will provide for the spiritual and material needs of every Jew in the community- regardless of background or affiliation- with unconditional love and concern.

    Weekly we will be hosting Shabbat services and meals, and we will be available for home and hospital visits. In addition, we will be available to assist in community members’ lifecycle events and hope to make kosher food more accessible.

    Throughout the year we will be providing the foundational Jewish needs including mezuzahs, tefillin, and Shabbat candles.  Additionally, we look forward to hosting holiday, children, teen, young professionals, adult learning programs and classes.

    Chabad of Southwest Miami covers Sunset, Westwood Lakes, Kendal Lakes and neighboring Miami communities.  There are close to 2,500 Jewish families with little to no Jewish infrastructure nearby yet. We have already started our work…check out our latest photos! Our initial campaign goal is $75,000.

    We appreciate you partnering with us as a “founding father or mother” with either a one-time or monthly contribution.

    By working together may we merit to experience true freedom individually and collectively.


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