New Initiatives in Oholei Torah Zal




    New Initiatives in Oholei Torah Zal

    Inspired by the Rebbe’s letter from 12 Adar II 5711, in which the Rebbe states unequivocally that now the main task of yeshivos is to instill yiras Shamayim in talmidim, there has been a new series of shiurim taking place in Shiur Alef and Beis Oholei Torah Zal. The theme and purpose of the shiurim were simply to transmit the fundamentals of darchei hahchassidus and yiras Shamayim • FullStory, Photos

    Inspired by the Rebbe’s letter from 12 Adar II 5711, in which the Rebbe states unequivocally that now the main task of yeshivos is to instill yiras Shamayim in talmidim (as opposed to past eras when that was done by the home and the surroundings, and the yeshivos could concentrate only on limudim), there has been a new series of shiurim taking place in Shiur Alef and Beis Oholei Torah Zal. The theme and purpose of the shiurim were simply to transmit the fundamentals of darchei hahchassidus and yiras Shamayim.

    Baruch Hashem, the shiurim were very well received by the bachurim who took it a step further and wrote down the shiurim in the form of a kovetz which was distributed as a tshurah at the tzeischem lesholom farbreingen.

    In response to popular demand, they are sharing the kovetz with the public here.

    Shiur Alef and Beis are concluding their second successful year since becoming their own division under Menahel Rabbi Nison Deitsch.

    During the recent tzeischem lesholom farbrengen, over 25 talmidim were recognized for passing rigorous testing on all 120 daf of meseches Psochim bivas achas, the entire Sefer Hama’amorim Melukat Beis, the entire Likutei Amarim Tanya, Shaar Hayichud Veha’emunah and more.

    Rabbi Fitche Pewzner, longtime mashpia, said, “How beautiful that so many talmidim finished the mesechte baal peh, it should be standard that bochurim should try to finish the mesechte every year.”

    Many of the fathers and grandfathers in attendance expressed how impressed they were with the Shiur Alef and Beis program, and the motivation that they saw in their sons’ excitement in learning. As one parent put it, “It’s a small yeshiva within a big yeshiva, and here every bochur is cared for on his level.”

    Rabbi Deitsch said, “Baruch Hashem, we are very proud of the talmidim of  Shiur Alef and Beis, and  there is no question the Rebbe has a lot of nachas from these bochurim.”


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