New Book Published on The Laws of Sheva Mitzvos




    New Book Published on The Laws of Sheva Mitzvos

    In a world often divided by differences, studying and spreading the Seven Noahide Laws, we prepare the world for the final redemption. In this context the new book ‘Light Onto the Nations: A Guide to the Seven Noahide Laws‘ by Rabbi Moshe Bernstein has been published recently • Full Article

    In a world often divided by differences, the Seven Noahide Laws emerge as a beacon of hope, unity, and moral guidance for all humanity as a result of the call of the Rebbe to teach gentiles these laws. These 7 universal principles are key to preparing our world for a future of redemption.

    The Seven Noahide Laws binding not only Jews but all of humanity. These laws, which are the fundamental ethical code for a just society, provide a roadmap for a world striving for unity and goodness. The 7 laws in summary are:

    Belief in God: This law is a reminder that there is a higher power that unites all of creation. This includes not worshipping idols.

    Respect for Life: This law encompasses the sanctity of human life and the prohibition of murder.

    Respect for Family: Family is the cornerstone of society. By upholding the sanctity of marriage and family according to the Torah, we build a strong foundation for future generations.

    Respect for Property: The prohibition against theft highlights the importance of respecting the rights and possessions of others.

    Not to curse G-d’s name: This law aims to uphold the principles of respecting the name of G-d according to the Torah law.

    Respect for All Creatures: Not to eat a limb from a living animal. This law promotes kindness and compassion towards animals, recognizing that they are part of our interconnected world.

    Creation of a Just Legal System: The establishment of laws that promote the well-being of society and ensure that justice is upheld is crucial.

    By studying and spreading the Seven Noahide Laws, we prepare the world for the final redemption—a future where humanity transcends division and war.  When these principles are embraced on a global scale, we pave the way for the revelation of King Moshiach.

    In this context the new book ‘Light Onto the Nations: A Guide to the Seven Noahide Laws’ by Rabbi Moshe Bernstein has been published recently and is now available to purchase on Amazon.


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