National Guard And State Troopers Deployed To Busy Subway Stations




    National Guard And State Troopers Deployed To Busy Subway Stations

    In response to the surge in crime in the NYC subway system, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that 750 National Guard members alongside 250 state troopers will be deployed to subways and conducting bag searches at entry points • Full Story

    Anyone traveling on the subway in recent months can testify that there is a noticeable change. There is more crime, homeless and garbage everywhere. So in response to the surge in crime in the NYC subway system, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that 750 National Guard members will be deployed to subways and conducting bag searches at entry points.

    NYPD statistics indicate a 13% increase in subway crime since the beginning of 2024, though it has decreased compared to February of the previous year. Notable incidents include a severe attack on a train conductor in Ocean Hill and a series of criminal acts affecting subway users.

    In response, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that 750 National Guard members, alongside 250 state troopers, will be deployed to assist the New York Police Department in conducting bag searches at subway entry points.

    Mayor Eric Adams has announced the reinstatement of bag inspections at select subway checkpoints throughout New York City as a measure to curb crime rates.

    This comes after years of these very same politicians opposing these very measures that they are now implementing. Just a few years ago, they stopped the “Stop And Frisk” policy, which would allow officers to check the bags of anyone that may look suspicious. Now that they have no choice, they are reimplementing it with a different name.


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    1. Meir F

      At least the subway will get a lot safer now and Jew will feel more comfortable going on the subway

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