Mitzvah Tanks On The Lebanon Border




    Mitzvah Tanks On The Lebanon Border

    Rabbi Yehuda Pevzner, affectionately known as the “Tankist,” is currently visiting Eretz Yisrael and actively engaging with security forces in northern Israel alongside Rabbi Elram Ben Harosh • Full Story, Photos

    Rabbi Yehuda Pevzner, affectionately known as the “Tankist,” is currently visiting Eretz Yisrael and actively engaging with security forces in northern Israel alongside Rabbi Elram Ben Harosh, who is associated with Mitzvah tank activities in Eretz Yisrael.

    During their time there, Rabbi Pevzner and Rabbi Ben Harosh have been providing crucial support to soldiers. This includes offering spiritual guidance and wrapping Tefillin. Additionally, they have been distributing a variety of treats and soft drinks, aiming to uplift the morale of the soldiers stationed in the area.

    Photos by Dovber Hechtman for Chabadinfo


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