Mishloach Manos Already Packed in Ukraine




    Mishloach Manos Already Packed in Ukraine

    Thousands of personal kits of Mishloach Manot in honor of Purim, have already been packed up in Ukraine and are on their way to be directly delivered by the country’s community rabbis and Chabad emissaries to thousands of Jewish families and individuals who will be celebrating Purim under fire for the third time • Full Story

    Ukrainian Jews will mark a third Purim under crisis. In recent days, huge trucks have set out directly from FJC’s Jewish Relief Network Ukraine (JRNU), carrying thousands of Mishloach Manot shipments to various destinations within Ukraine.

    The beautiful packages will reach rabbis and Chabad Shluchim, who lead the Jewish communities and will be distributed to the many Jews of the country during the Purim holiday.

    The shipments include wine, various sweets, hamantaschen, an illustrated Megillah, colorful graggers, and a guide detailing all the holiday’s commandments.

    Over the past few days, dedicated volunteers have assembled the packages, which will be delivered to the Jewish communities as part of the festive Purim events during the holiday. The rabbis will hold Megillah readings around the clock, host elaborate Purim meals, and spread joy to the Jewish communities and villages.

    Living under continuous threat, Purim events allow the country’s Jews a time of joy and upliftment amidst the situation in the hope that tranquility will return to their lives.

    “The personal distribution of Mishloach Manot to every Jew is carried out following the directive of the Rebbe to bring the joy of Purim to every Jew, even in the most remote place,” the JRNU said.



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