Miracle in Dnipro: Shluchim Spared in Missile Strike




    Miracle in Dnipro: Shluchim Spared in Missile Strike

    a large Russian missile struck a residential building mere meters away from the home of Chabad shluchim. The missile’s trajectory ended at the ceiling of a Jewish family’s residence, where it came to a halt • Full Story, Photos, Video

    In a harrowing incident just moments before Shabbos, a Russian missile struck a residential building in Dnipro, Ukraine, causing widespread devastation and casualties. The missile landed with devastating force, penetrating several floors of an apartment complex on Vikonkumiska Street, an area known for its vibrant Jewish community.

    Remarkably, the missile’s warhead, weighing hundreds of kilograms, did not detonate upon impact, sparing countless lives. Among those spared were residents of a Jewish family whose home bore the brunt of the missile’s impact, despite them being absent at the time. Nearby, in another building where windows were shattered and walls cracked, several Jewish families, including Chabad shluchim (emissaries), miraculously escaped unharmed.

    “We heard a deafening explosion and saw smoke and dust billowing from the building,” recounted one of the shluchim, originally from Israel, who resides nearby. “It’s truly a miracle that the warhead didn’t explode, which would have undoubtedly led to greater tragedy. Even local residents are acknowledging the miraculous nature of what unfolded.”

    In response to the crisis, the Jewish community rallied together, gathering the following Shabbos at the Menorah Center, the largest Jewish center in Dnipro, under the leadership of Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky. There, they recited Hagomel, a prayer of gratitude traditionally said after surviving a dangerous situation. Concurrently, efforts were made to relocate affected families to safer accommodations amid ongoing safety concerns.

    Rabbi Meir Stambler, chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine (FJCU), expressed heartfelt concern for all affected by the conflict. “Our hearts ache for every person impacted by this war, which claims lives daily among Ukrainian youth and innocent civilians due to drone and missile strikes,” he stated. Despite the dangers, Rabbi Stambler affirmed the unwavering dedication of shluchim throughout Ukraine to continue their mission of providing both physical and spiritual support to the Jewish community.

    “We remain steadfast, trusting that Hashem will protect us as we fulfill the mission entrusted to us by the Rebbe,” Rabbi Stambler concluded, echoing a collective hope for peace and stability in the region.

    The incident serves as a poignant reminder of resilience and community solidarity in the face of adversity, as Dnipro’s Jewish residents, including shluchim, strive to rebuild and support one another during these challenging times.


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