Mazel Tov: Baby Boy After 55 Years




    Mazel Tov: Baby Boy After 55 Years

    Hagaon Rav Tzvi Koshelevsky Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Heichel Hatorah in Har Nof, was blessed with his first baby boy this morning at age 88 after 55 years of waiting! • Full Story, Watch


    By Kol Haolam

    BLI EIN HORA: Hagaon Rav Tzvi Koshelevsky Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Heichel Hatorah in Har Nof, was blessed with his first baby boy this morning at age 88 after 55 years of waiting!

    – The Rosh Yeshiva married a second time six years ago after he was widowed by his wife Rebetzin Sarah Leah Koshlevsky A”H, daughter of Rav Leib Gurvitz ZT”L, the Gateshead Rosh Yeshiva, who was Niftar at age of 77.

    – Rav Koshlevsky, who was 82 years old at the time, then married Mrs. Rachel Daniela, a US citizen living in Israel, she was 50 years old at the time and a mother of several children.

    – The wedding was then held on Friday, Tu B’av 5778, at the Beis Medrash of Yeshiva Heichal Hatorah without music and with the participation of only one hundred people, just a week after the Shidduch was closed.

    – This morning, the Rosh Yeshiva and his wife were blessed with their baby boy at the Hadassah Medical Center in Yerushalayim and the baby was born in good health B”H. The R”Y was then welcomed at the Yeshiva in Har Nof where the Talmidim broke into dances of joy together with the Avi HaBen.



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