Manhattan: Bochurim Jump On Mivtzoim Opportunity




    Manhattan: Bochurim Jump On Mivtzoim Opportunity

    Thousands of Yidden did the Mitzvah of Tefillin today on the streets of Manhattan, with Oholei Torah and 770 Bochurim stationed throughout the streets • Photos, Video

    Today, many Jews were in the streets of Manhattan for the Israel day parade.

    Oholei Torah and 770 Bochurim took action. They Bochurim flooded the streets with Tefillin booths, offering Yidden to do a Mitzvah for the safety and security of Yidden in Eretz Yisroel and around the world, especially our soldiers on the front lines.

    Thousands of Yidden stoped to do the Mitzvahof Tefillin.

    May we merit to the coming of Moshiach Now!



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    1. Rebbe

      Didn’t the Rebbe instruct tzach NOT to set up booths at the parade?

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