Four Hostages Rescued From Gaza




    Four Hostages Rescued From Gaza

    With Hashems help, Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv were rescued from Hamas captivity in a complex daytime operation • Full Story, Watch

    With Hashems help, Shabbos morning, in a joint IDF, ISA and Israel Police (Yamam) complex, special, daytime operation in Nuseirat, four Israeli hostages were rescued.

    Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), were kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization from the ‘Nova’ music festival on Simchas Torah.

    The hostages were rescued by the IDF, ISA and Yamam counterterrorism forces from two separate locations in the heart of Nuseirat.

    The IDF released footage showing rescued hostage Noa Argamani being extracted from the Gaza Strip in a helicopter this morning:

    Noa Argamanis father (she was just rescued from captivity in gaza,) Yaakov Argamani received a Rebbe dollar at a special evening held on Lag Ba’Omer, by Beis Chabad Navot Afka in Tel Aviv headed by the Shliach, Rabbi Ido Halevi Rahav.

    The Shliach Rabbi Mendi Altaboim received the dollar from the hands of the Rebbe on the 29th of Iyor, which turned out to be the the day they made the decision to carry out the rescue operation!!

    During the battle, Arnon Zamora, the Yamam (counterterrorism) officer who led the rescuing force was injured. He later passed away from his wounds.

    Arnon Zamora HYD:

    PM Bibi Netanyahu Spoke from Shiba hospital, after visiting the released hostages:

    Today, Israel carried out a remarkable rescue operation, freeing four hostages held by Hamas.

    We’re committed to getting the release of all the hostages, and we expect Hamas to release them all — but if they don’t, we’ll do whatever it takes to get them all back home.

    Hamas is committing war crimes every day, including the holding of these hostages.

    Our soldiers are performing in the most valiant and moral way to end this war with a victory against these killers and against these kidnappers, and we shall prevail.

    May we continue to hear only good news, with the coming of Moshiach Now!


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