WATCH: Ukrainian President Sends Chanukah Greetings to Ukrainian Jews




    WATCH: Ukrainian President Sends Chanukah Greetings to Ukrainian Jews

    Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky sent a Chanukah greetings and wishes to Chief Rabbi of Ukraine and Head Shliach Rabbi Moshe Assman, on behalf all the Jews of Ukraine  Full Story, Video

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy offered a Hanukkah greeting Monday, along with a prediction of victory against Russia in the ongoing war.

    In a video statement through the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine and Shliach Rabbi Moshe Assman, Zelenskyy compared his country’s war against Russia to the Maccabee’s struggle against the Seleucid Empire.

    “I wish the Jewish community of Ukraine and all Jews around the world a happy Hanukkah.”

    “The few defeated the many, light defeated darkness – this will be the case this time as well.”


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