Haditch Shliach Brings Simchas Purim to Remote Ukrainian Jews




    1290 hatzala

    Haditch Shliach Brings Simchas Purim to Remote Ukrainian Jews

    Purim as in every Yom Tov is Chag in Haditch. Jews from across Ukraine, Europe, the US and Eretz Yisroel came to the Tzion of the Alter Rebbe to celebrate Purim • Full Story, Photos

    Purim as in every Yom Tov is Chag in Haditch. Jews from across Ukraine, Europe, the US and Eretz Yisroel came to the Tzion of the Alter Rebbe to celebrate Purim.

    This year, due to the number of visitors has decreased significantly due to the war. The local Shliach Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deitch, who is responsible for the Tzion and guest houses, visited the Jews in the nearby towns and cities to bring them Purim joy.

    The main Purim event took place in Myrhorod, where 30 Jews gathered at the city’s Jewish community building (there is no permanent synagogue in Myrhorod, so the Jews gather in a community building), where the Shliach read the Megilah and had a Mishteh.

    According to Rabbi Deitch: “Despite the difficulty of the war, and because of it, the joy of Purim and the joy of Geulah came even to remote places where the scroll had not been read in many decades.”


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