Despite War, Shul Dedicated at the Mitteler Rebbe’s Ohel in Nizhyn




    Despite War, Shul Dedicated at the Mitteler Rebbe’s Ohel in Nizhyn

    Today, Yud Kislev, on the yom hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, a new shul was dedicated near his Ohel in the Nizhyn cemetery in the Chernigov region of Eastern Ukraine. The dedication followed an uplifting shabbos at the Ohel, consisting of about 30 yidden from Kyiv, headed by the shliach, Rabbi Motti Levenhartz • Full Story, Photos

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    Today, Yud Kislev, on the yom hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, a new shul was dedicated near his Ohel in the Nizhyn cemetery in the Chernigov region of Eastern Ukraine.

    The renovation of the shul was organized by Rabbi Schneur Zalman Deitch, who is responsible for the Ohel in Haditch and Nizhyn. They spent the Shabbos with davening, learning and farbrenging.

    The renovation took place in recent months, taking advantage of the lower number of visitors during the war  and the work did not interfere with the routine there.

    The dedication followed an uplifting shabbos at the Ohel, consisting of about 30 yidden from Kyiv, headed by the shliach, Rabbi Motti Levenhartz. Despite the ongoing Russian invasion and constant bombardments. Rabbi Deitch arranged meals and accommodations. 

    The renovation included a full renovation of the Hachnosas Orchim center, strengthening of the structure, establishment of water infrastructure, furniture, air and more.

    The renovation was sponsored by philanthropist Yitzchak Mirilashvili and generous donors from around the globe.

    On Sunday, the project was dedicated and inaugurated. Rabbi Meir Stambler, chairman of the Jewish Federation in Ukraine, hung the mezuzah at the entrance of the complex, and the small crowd shared a l’chaim in honor inauguration and the chag hageulah.



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    Despite War, Shul Dedicated at the Mitteler Rebbe’s Ohel in Nizhyn


