Shloshim of R’ Motul Pevzner Marked in his Hometown




    Seder Nashim

    Shloshim of R’ Motul Pevzner Marked in his Hometown

    The shloshim of R’ Motul Pevzner was marked in his hometown as Family, friends and many fellow Shluchim from France and Europe, gathered on Tuesday, at the Jewish cemetery of Perpignan, respecting the request of his will Full Story

    Our nation has come together to mark the passing of a young husband and father, who was deeply beloved by his community. Family, friends and many fellow Shluchim from France and Europe, gathered on Tuesday – 7 Cheshvan, Nov. 1st, at the Jewish cemetery of Perpignan, respecting the request of his will.

    The large crowd then gathered at the Consistoire Synagogue of Perpignan, for an evening of reflection and inspiration to commemorate the Shloshim of Rav Motul Pevzner OBM. A new space in the synagogue, dedicated to the youth was inaugurated and named in honor of R’ Motul Pevzner, Shliach in Perpignan. This event united Jews from all walks of life, who were touched by Motul during his lifetime and since his tragic passing. A variety of speakers, both Rabbinic and Shluchim were present to offer words of chizzuk and inspiration in the memory of Motul.

    A study room in the local Kosher food coop created with the guidance and advice of R. Motul Pevzner was named likewise in his memory . Motul’s passing was felt by the communities within Chabad, France, America, and all over the world. As such, thousands have already donated to support his wife and children.

    Sholom Ber Shmerling, a friend of Motul, described Motul as, “Always making people feel thought of and cared for- through making trips to wish a mazel tov and remembering small details of his friend’s life. The world and Klal Yisroel will not be the same without Motul’s physical presence, but we cannot imagine the emptiness his family feels with their father and husband no longer here. Motul cared deeply for all those who were in his life, and supporting those he loved the most is the least that we can do in his passing.”

    On the day of his Shloshim, we are asking for your support and generosity.

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