Paris Community Welcomes New Sefer Torah in Memory of Beloved Shliach




    Paris Community Welcomes New Sefer Torah in Memory of Beloved Shliach

    Hundreds of Jews came together from Paris and surrounding areas to mark the first Yahtzeit of their beloved Shliach Rabbi Eliezer Nisilevitch – Head of Mosdos Shne-Or in Aubervilliers, France • Full Story, Photos

    Hundreds of Jews came together from Paris and surrounding areas to mark the first Yahtzeit of their beloved Shliach Rabbi Eliezer Nisilevitch – Head of Mosdos Shne-Or in Aubervilliers France and founder of the project ” École juive pour tous ” who has dedicated over 40 years of his life on Shlichus, and has managed to inspire thousands.

    The celebration of a new Torah Scroll in his memory was donated by his spouse Rebbetzin Chaya Nisilevitch, shlucha and director of the Shne-Or institutions, together with her children the shluchim.

    The event began with a ceremonial procession in the magnificent hall of the Shnei-Or institutions, with the conclusion of the writing of the last letters of the Torah,  the crowd then rose to their feet and danced enthusiastically, then they went out with the new Torah to the city street for a grand Parade, which was accompanied by drums and music by the soldiers of Tsivot Hashem Shne-Or.

    Following, the new Torah Scroll was brought into the Chabad House and Synagogue of Shnei-Or followed by the traditional Hakafos, which continued with great joy until the wee hours of the night…

    Finally, the crowd sat down for a scrumptious Diner and Seudas Mitzva with a special program, accompanied by words of blessing to the Nisilevich family by prominent rabbis.

    A film was projected highlighting the great revolutions and achievements accomplished throughout the lifetime of this great Shliach, and how the next generation continue his holy work and shlichus, of their beloved Reb Lazer.


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