EnerJew’s Unique ‘Shabbat Challenge’ Comes to Azerbaijan




    EnerJew’s Unique ‘Shabbat Challenge’ Comes to Azerbaijan

    Over 50 Jewish teenagers from across Azerbaijan’s capital city enjoyed a special weekend Shabbaton seminar in the northern tourist town of Gabala on the snow-covered slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range. For many of the young participants studying in general schools, EnerJew’s ongoing activities and seminars are nearly their only encounter with Jewish values and heritage • Full Story, Photos

    The 3-day seminar granted the teenagers a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Every moment was utilized, creating an incredibly positive atmosphere that promoted unity among the city’s teenagers.

    The Shabbaton’s chosen theme, the ‘Shabbat Challenge,’ included special lectures, classes, and brainstorming sessions with rabbis and counselors, workshops, social activities, joyous music and dancing, cuisine dining, Chassidic gatherings, and one-on-one debates and discussions.

    “When I receive such positive feedback from parents,” says Rabbi Moshe Rochlin from EnerJew, the FJC’s Jewish Youth Movement active in over 50 cities across the FSU, “I understand how strong the seminar’s impact was on the teenagers and how deeply they truly enjoyed the empowering Jewish experience. When a teenager shares his excitement with his parents and they go out of their way to reach out to the organizers, it means that the seminar met its goal: inspiring Jewish teenagers to connect to their roots.”

    The EnerJew seminar – generously supported by the STEGMI Foundation headed by Mr. German Zakharyayev and the local Ashkenazi community – was organized, led, and participated by the Chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazi community and Head Chabad emissary in Baku, Rabbi Shneur & Mrs. Chava Segal, Rabbi Mati & Mrs. Chaya Louis, Rabbi Pesach Mirov, and Rabbi Nachshon Younayev, along with their spouses and families.

    In parallel, an additional winter seminar took place on the same premises for Jewish students and young professionals led by FJC’s YAHAD youth organization.



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