Dramatic Rise in Missionary Activity in Yerushalayim




    Seder Nashim

    Dramatic Rise in Missionary Activity in Yerushalayim

    Warning notices posted on a Yerushalayim board

    Yad L’Achim reports a startling increase in the number of missionaries operating in Yerushalayim, particularly in chareidi neighborhoods in the center of the city • Full Story, Photos

    Yad L’Achim reports a startling increase in the number of missionaries operating in Yerushalayim, particularly in chareidi neighborhoods in the center of the city.

    Offensive flyers have been distributed in mailboxes in Geula, Mea She’arim, Zichron Moshe, Sarei Yisrael, Beis Yisrael and surrounding areas.

    In response, Yad L’Achim has dispatched activists to collect the dangerous material, post warning notices and drive cars with loudspeakers alerting residents of the threat.

    Officials say that Yerushalayim continues to be a main draw for missionaries who arrive Israel with the specific goal of preaching to its Jewish residents. The past year has seen missionaries using public transportation and preaching to the passengers seated next to them.

    Overall, missionaries have been taking advantage of the fear and uncertainty created by the Gaza war to hunt Jewish souls.

    Just last week, Yad L’Achim revealed that they are targeting soldiers and Jews who have been forced to leave their homes in the south and north. International missionary organizations surreptitiously preach to Jews as part of a “humanitarian aid” campaign.


    Yad L’Achim calls on the pubic to remain vigilant, and asks anyone who comes into contact with missionaries or who is interested in receiving information about them to call the organization’s emergency hotline at *9234, 24 hours a day.



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