Cheder Levi Yitzchok in Melbourne Makes History




    Cheder Levi Yitzchok in Melbourne Makes History

    Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva gathered on Yud Aleph Nissan to take part in an historic event in Melbourne Australia, at which eighth-grade students celebrated the completion of Masachas Baba Kama • Full Story, Photos

    Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva gathered on Yud Aleph Nissan to take part in an historic event in Melbourne Australia, at which eighth-grade students celebrated the completion of Masachas Baba Kama.

    The Founding parent of the Cheder, Mr. Eliezer Kornhauser, told the boys and their parents that it was the vision of Mashpia Reb Arel Serebryanski, who when setting the goal said “Australia is nisht andersh”  Australia is not different. Reb Arel is of the firm conviction that in 2015, children are capable of learning al Taharas Hakodesh with the same zest and enthusiasm as in Samarkand where he learned as a young boy.

    The Rosh Yeshivah Gedolo in Melbourne, Rabbi Binyomin Cohen tested the boys earlier in the day. He encouraged them not to be satisfied with their amazing achievements to date, but to go M’Chayil el Chayil. He also called on the parents to act as real partners for the only Cheder that teaches Limudei Kodesh Kol Hayom in Melbourne, urging parents to spend time every day revising with their sons what has been learned in Cheder.

    Each one of the boys came up to the microphone and gave a Dvar Torah from a different perek in the Masachas Bava Kama.

    Rabbi Mendel Lipskier thanked the teaching staff of the cheder on behalf of the parents. He said “being a Talmid of Oholei Torah myself it is a great nachas to see that my sons are continuing to get an education al Taharas Hakodesh in Melbourne”.

    In particular, the boys and their parents expressed gratitude to their Gemoro teacher Rabbi Hendel Serebryanski for motivating them to stay focused on the goal of finishing the Masachas Baba Kama.

    The Siyum concluded with a Farbrengen with Rabbi Yaakov Winner, the Mashpia of Yeshiva Gedola in Melbourne.



    Eliezer Kornhauser

    Rabbi Cohen Rosh Yeshivah YG

    Rabbi Hendel Serbreski

    Rabbi Mendel Lipskier


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