Buenos Aires Yeshiva Prepares Students for Global Moshiach Chidon With Pre-Chidon Event




    Buenos Aires Yeshiva Prepares Students for Global Moshiach Chidon With Pre-Chidon Event

    Students in Buenos Aires Yeshivah recently showcased their knowledge and dedication at a spirited pre-Chidon event, meticulously arranged by the Yeshiva’s devoted Shluchim • Full Story, Photos

    Students in Buenos Aires Yeshivah recently showcased their knowledge and dedication at a spirited pre-Chidon event, meticulously arranged by the Yeshiva’s devoted Shluchim. The event, designed to prepare participants for the upcoming global Moshiach Chidon, drew enthusiastic participation from students eager to demonstrate their mastery of Moshiach-related topics.

    Among the standout participants were Yisroel Baumgarten, Sholem Ber Baumgarten, Mendel Levi, Mordechai Gorowitz, Meir Kaler, Arie Leib Temkin, Mendi Wildau, and Levi Nacca. These young scholars displayed remarkable dedication and passion as they delved into the intricacies of Moshiach’s teachings, reflecting the Yeshiva’s commitment to nurturing deep understanding and engagement with these profound concepts.

    The culmination of the event saw Levi Nacca clinching first place with his comprehensive knowledge and eloquent presentation. Following closely behind were Mendy Wildau in second place and Arie Leib Temkin securing third place, all of whom impressed the judges with their depth of understanding and clarity of expression.

    “We congratulate Levi Nacca, Mendy Wildau, and Arie Leib Temkin on their outstanding achievements,” said Shmuik Backman, one of the organizing Shluchim. “Their dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we are immensely proud of their success.”

    As the winners prepare to represent their Yeshiva in the global Chidon, the entire community extends heartfelt Mazal Tov wishes to them. May they continue to excel in their studies, bring joy and pride to the Rebbe, and inspire their peers with their commitment to Moshiach’s timeless teachings.



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