The Rebbe’s Opinion On: Why Women Must Know Torah




    The Rebbe’s Opinion On: Why Women Must Know Torah

    Chabadinfo in collaboration with Beis Moshiach Magazine presents: The Rebbe’s Opinion On, a series featuring the Rebbe’s opinion and directive on various subjects • In the following letters, the Rebbe MH”M explains why it is necessary for a mother to be knowledgeable in Torah in order to be involved in the Torah studies. And the continuation of your studies after high school • Full Article

    Reasons Why Women Must Know Torah

    …I trust you will not take amiss my following remarks, namely, that it often happens that a deterioration of Sholom Bayis is due to a misplaced closeness at a time when this is forbidden by the laws and regulations of Taharas Hamishpocho, for, in such a case, the closeness at the wrong time brings about a coolness at the time when it is called for. In most cases this is due to the fact that in the course of time some detail of the laws and regulations of Taharas Hamishpocho is overlooked. Therefore, it is advisable to review them once again in order to make sure that all the laws of tznius are observed meticulously.:

    A further point in your letter is surprising, for it appears that you think that a wife does not have to be involved in the study of the Torah, G-d forbid. This is both contrary to Jewish law, as well as illogical, inasmuch as it is the wife, the Akeres Habayis, who largely determines the whole conduct of the home and family life. Surely, in order to be able to carry out this great privilege which G-d has bestowed upon the Jewish housewife, it is necessary for her to know the dinim on how to conduct a Jewish home and it is not enough to rely on what one has learned from one’s mother or an older sister, but it is necessary to study personally these laws, especially in the United States, where life is not as simple as it used to be in the old country.

    Moreover, it is necessary for a mother to be knowledgeable in Torah in order to be involved in the Torah studies and homework of her children.

    I would also suggest that you have a regular shiur with your husband on the weekly portion of the Torah and perhaps also in some other area which is of special interest. If necessary, there are also suitable books and sources in English.

    All of the above will cement the relationship in the family, both among the parents as well as with the children and can add a great deal to one’s personal gratification and fulfillment.

    It is customary in such a situation to have the tefillin and mezuzot checked to make sure they are kosher….

    (From a letter dated 2nd of Shevat, 5740 (1980); The Letter & The Spirit Vol. 5, p.. 104)

    Post High School Studies

    I received your letter in which you write about the question of the continuation of your studies after high school.

    I agree with the view of your father that if you wish to continue your studies, it should be within the framework of the Beis Rifka or Beis Yaakov Seminary. For if at all times the Jewish daughters and women had to take their vital place in the preservation of all our people, how much more so in the recent day and age, as has been amply emphasized in various talks at the Farbrengens.

    This task can be fulfilled in two ways:

    1) In the conduct of one’s own home, as a Jewish home should be conducted, in a way that it should have also a beneficial influence on all the surrounding Jewish homes, or

    2) In the field of Chinuch, where Jewish women have a special approach and a special capacity, particularly in relation to the Chinuch of small children, whether boys or girls.

    The program of study which you have in mind cannot, so far as I can see, contribute to the fulfillment of the said most vital task and is certainly no substitute for it. On the contrary, to the extent that your attention will be taken up with other matters, it will be detrimental to the fulfillment of your task. Unfortunately it would be detrimental even to the first aspect mentioned above, namely the conduct of one’s own home. For, experience has shown that where the attention of the wife is concentrated on such things as a career, etc., neglect of the fulfillment of one’s task as akeres habayis in the fullest measure has been inescapable.

    I trust that you and your sister participate in activities to strengthen Yiddishkeit through the Mesibos Shabbos, etc.

    With blessing,

    (From a letter dated 28 Cheshvan 5725 (1964); The Letter and the Spirit Vol 3, p. 62)


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