The Rebbe’s Opinion On: Shleimus HaAretz




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    The Rebbe’s Opinion On: Shleimus HaAretz

    Chabadinfo in collaboration with Beis Moshiach Magazine presents: The Rebbe’s Opinion On, a series featuring the Rebbe’s opinion and directive on various subjects • Israel’s Shameful Approach to the Liberated “Territories”. The letter (dated 21 Cheshvan 5471/1980) deals with the painful subject of the Israeli government’s shameful attitude to the “territories” liberated during the Six-Day-War • Full Article

    Israel’s Shameful Approach to the Liberated “Territories”

    The next letter (dated 21 Cheshvan 5471/1980) deals with the painful subject of the Israeli government’s shameful attitude to the “territories” liberated during the Six-Day-War:

    This is my first opportunity — owing to the intervening festivals — to acknowledge receipt of your letter with the enclosure. I only wish it were a happier subject, though I am of course very gratified to note your personal interest and concern in regard to the settlement of Hevron.

    The reason I mention a “happier subject,” is that it evokes a painful feeling which is connected with the attitude of the government of Eretz Yisroel to Hevron. Actually this attitude has its roots in its general attitude towards the Jewish right to Eretz Yisroel, an attitude which, sad to say, has not changed and has been the policy of all the governments of Eretz Yisroel.

    … The problem with the said attitude is that it is based on the ill conceived premise that the Jewish presence in Eretz Yisroel is something that requires the approval and good graces of the nations of the world — חסד לאומים.

    This has been the basic line, regardless of whose approval was needed, be it the Turks, or the British, or the United Nations. Thus, even when the situation called for a forceful approach, it was not really forceful enough and the other side seemed to sense it, especially when subsequent actions confirmed this timidity.

    To cite one illustration, which is now public knowledge, but for some time was known only in the world capitals and certainly to the Arabs and Egyptians. I refer to the fact that immediately after the wondrous victory of the Six Day War, a high ranking representative of the government of national unity (including the opposition headed by Mr. Begin) traveled from capital to capital to assure the various nations that “everything was negotiable” – and this was done without pressure from anyone, neither from the U.S.A, nor from the Arab side who, after their crushing defeat, never expected to see any of the territories returned.

    Parenthetically, the above completely refutes any claim purporting to justify the Camp David accord as having been forced on the government, for in reality it was the only logical consequence of the said avowed ill-fated policy.

    Much more could be said on the subject, but it is too painful to dwell on and not one that I wish to publicize, though you may, if you think it worthwhile, show it to some of your friends, even members of the government, but not to the media, for understandable reasons.

    (The Letter & The Spirit Vol. 5, pg. 449)

    Fleeing Miracles

    Before the Six-Day-War, when Jews around the world were panic-stricken over what may happen in Eretz Yisroel and parents of foreign yeshiva bachurim pressured their children to come home, the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach famously called on all to stay, insisting that all will be well. This letter, written weeks after the war (4 Sivan 5727/1967) to London parents who had a son studying at the Yeshiva in Kfar Chabad who heeded the Rebbe’s call, speaks for itself:

    … I take this opportunity also to acknowledge receipt of your cable in regard to your son… Surely by now you realize the extent of the shame which those boys feel who, at the insistence of their parents, fled from Eretz Yisroel in the time of crisis. These boys feel greatly hurt that their parents should have taken them away from the Holy Land where they were in the midst of some 2 million Jews (may their number multiply), to flee like cowards from the land of which it is written in the Torah, “G-d’s Eyes are upon it from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.”

    The indictment with which they will saddle their parents will not be easily forgotten by them, and it may take them not days and not weeks to overcome and forget it, but many months and perhaps years. I do not wish to elaborate on something which is far from a credit to some of our brethren who unfortunately lost their nerve under the stress of circumstances. You ought to feel very happy that your son did not flee from there, and remained in Kfar Chabad to continue his Torah learning, and by his very presence gave further encouragement to our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land in the time of need.

    May G-d grant that you should be truly and consistently proud of him and of his conduct from now and forever more.

    (Teshura Wenger 7 Sivan, 5771)


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