Story: Reb Shayale’s Double Bracha




    Story: Reb Shayale’s Double Bracha

    As we approach the 4th of Iyar, we remember and honor the yertziet of Reb Shayla of Keristiya. This day holds special significance for thousands of people around the world, who make the journey to Hungary to commemorate the life and teachings of this revered tzaddik • Full Article

    As we approach the 4th of Iyar, we remember and honor the yertziet of Reb Shayla of Keristiya. This day holds special significance for thousands of people around the world, who make the journey to Hungary to commemorate the life and teachings of this revered tzaddik. Reb Shayla was a source of inspiration and guidance for many, and his legacy lives on through the countless individuals whose lives he touched. On this yertziet, we join with those from all over the world to pay tribute to Reb Shayla and the impact he had on so many.

    We have an incredible story to share with you, straight from the pages of the new book “Amazing Miracle Stories for Kids Vol 2.” This story was related to us by Meir (name changed), an active member of a Chabad shul in the Miami area, who had a firsthand experience that will leave you amazed. We are excited to bring you this exclusive account, which is now available in bookstores worldwide.

    Reb Shayale’s Double Bracha

    Hi! My name is Meir, and I have the most amazing story to share with you. I didn’t read about it in a book or hear it from somebody else – it happened to me!

    It all began one beautiful sunny morning. I was minding my own business, when suddenly, my phone rang. It was my friend, Yosef. Yosef had three daughters, but the youngest was already grown up, and they didn’t have any other kids.

    “Hey Yosef!” I answered the phone cheerfully. “What’s up?”

    “Meir!” Yosef practically shouted into the phone. “I deserve a mazel tov! My wife just had a healthy baby boy!”

    “Wow! Baruch Hashem! Mazel tov! That’s wonderful news!”

    “Thank you!” Yosef said, and then his voice grew serious. “Listen, Meir. You know we’ve been davening for another baby for years now. Well, nine months ago, I davened and asked for blessings at Reb Shayale of Kerestir’s kever. Have you heard of him?”

    “To tell you the truth, I haven’t,” I admitted.

    “He was a great tzaddik!” Yosef explained. “Many people who go to his kever see amazing miracles. And I’m one of them! After all these years, we finally had another baby – thanks to his brachos!”

    The gears in my mind began to turn. If he got a bracha, maybe I could, too…

    But Yosef didn’t let me think for too long. “Meir, you should go to his kever, too. You’ve been married for almost ten years, and it’s about time you got to hold a baby of your own!”

    I took a deep breath. The past ten years had been really painful and disappointing. We’d gone to so many doctors, begging for a child, but none of them were able to help.

    I’d never heard of Reb Shayale, but just imagining rocking a sweet little baby in my arms was enough to convince me to pay him a visit.

    “I’ll go!” I decided.

    “Perfect!” Yosef said happily. “We’re hoping to hear some good news soon!”


    As soon as we could, two of my friends and I booked tickets to Hungary. Before Rosh Hashanah 2019, we found ourselves flying across the ocean.

    We arrived very late at night. As soon as we checked into our hotel and went up to our room, my two friends fell fast asleep. I was left wide awake, tossing and turning. Would I really get a bracha from Reb Shayale? Nine months from now, would I be holding a baby of my own, just like Yosef?

    I was too excited to sleep. Who knew what was in store?

    In the morning, I got right out of bed and left the hotel in search of some breakfast. I wandered the streets until I found a kosher cafe. After ordering a few things, I sat down at a table and looked around. Most people were chattering away in different languages, but there was one man who was talking in English.

    “Hello! How are you today?” I called out to him. It felt good to meet a fellow American in this strange country.

    “Hey there! I’m alright, thank you. Would you like to sit together?” he offered with a friendly smile.

    I moved to his table. He was a very nice guy, and we chatted for a while. We even discovered that we shared some friends!

    “So, why are you here?” he asked.

    “Oh, I came to get a blessing from Reb Shayale,” I replied, without getting into details.

    “In that case, why don’t you come with me? My driver’s taking me there in fifteen minutes!”

    I was about to turn down his offer. After all, I was planning on going with my friends! But then, I thought it over. My friends were probably still fast asleep, and they wouldn’t want to visit Reb Shayale until tomorrow. I could go with this man today, and again with my friends tomorrow!

    “That sounds great, thank you,” I said.

    “Wonderful!” The man pulled out his credit card and paid for both of our breakfasts. Then, he led me to a fancy car where his private driver was waiting for him. I realized this man must be very rich.

    On the way, he turned to me. “So Meir, why are you going to Reb Shayale?”

    I’d already spent some time with this man and felt comfortable around him, so I told him my story. I told him about how I‘d been married for almost ten years and still didn’t have any children.

    “My sister’s also very sick,” I added sadly. “She’s been fighting a terrible illness, and the doctors don’t have much hope for her. I hope that Reb Shayale’s bracha can save her.”

    The man leaned forward with interest. “Really? What hashgacha pratis. I don’t think I’ve told you this yet, but I do medical research for a living. I specialize in your sister’s illness! I know a procedure that could help her, even if her case is really bad. It works 70 percent of the time – could be worth a try. Tell me more about your sister’s condition. Maybe I can help her.”

    I told him some more details, and he nodded thoughtfully. “It sounds like this procedure would be good for her, but it’s very expensive. It costs a few hundred thousand dollars.”

    I knew my sister didn’t have that kind of money. When the man noticed the disappointed expression on my face, he waved his hand. “Oh, don’t worry about the money,” he said. “I’ll take care of it!”

    I stared at him in shock. We hadn’t even gotten to Reb Shayale’s kever, and I was already seeing brachos!

    Right then, we pulled up to the kever. After we davened and asked for blessings, we left and headed back. The man gave me his number and told me to have my sister call him. I thanked him, from the bottom of my heart, and went back to my hotel room.

    The next day, I went back to Reb Shayale’s kever with my friends. We brought another seven people with us to make a minyan, and we said a lot of Tehillim for my wife and I to have a baby and for my sister to recover. It was very special and moving.

    Three days later, we went back home.

    A little over nine months after that, my wife had a baby girl! Can you imagine how happy we were? After almost ten years of going from doctor to doctor, the bracha of Reb Shayale finally made our dream come true!

    And you know what else? My sister also had a tremendous yeshuah. Even before she had a chance to try the procedure, she got better! As you can imagine, the doctors couldn’t believe it. She’d been so sick, such a quick recovery seemed almost impossible. “It’s a miracle,” they all said. And they were right!

    Stories like this remind us of the power of tzaddikim. Each day, when I look at my precious little girl, I think about how tzaddikim, even after they pass away, look out for us and do everything they can to help us. All we have to do is connect to our tzaddikim, and our lives will be filled with brachos.

    For more information on the Amazing Miracle Stories bookseries, visit


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    1. 3rd of Iyar

      Just a correction Reb Shayaleh’s Yom Hilula is on 3rd of Iyar Not 4th

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