Embrace the Spirit of Shabbos: An Extra Seat at the Table




    Embrace the Spirit of Shabbos: An Extra Seat at the Table

    In the tapestry of our shared traditions, Shabbos holds a special place. It’s a time for reflection, connection, and joy. This week, we’re inviting you to add another thread to this tapestry by extending your Shabbos hospitality to an extra guest • Full Story

    In the tapestry of our shared traditions, Shabbos holds a special place. It’s a time for reflection, connection, and joy. This week, we’re inviting you to add another thread to this tapestry by extending your Shabbos hospitality to an extra guest.

    As the world grapples with the news of innocent civilians being abducted, we are reminded of the power of community. We are reminded that every act of kindness, every gesture of solidarity, makes a difference.

    This Friday, as the evening prayers echo in Shuls and homes, we invite you to open your heart and your home to an extra guest. Let them share in the warmth of your Shabbos table, in the glow of the candles, in the comforting taste of challah and wine.

    Date: Friday, October 27th
    Time: After evening prayers
    Location: Your Shabbos table

    Imagine your home filled with the sounds of shared prayers and lively conversation. Picture the smiles on your guests’ faces as they savor the delicious food. Feel the sense of community strengthening with each story shared, each song sung.

    This initiative is a grassroots effort by local Jews¹[1]. Our goal is to see two hundred extra seats filled at Shabbos tables across our community. It’s more than just sharing a meal; it’s about standing together, raising awareness, and fostering unity.

    As you gather around your Shabbos table this week, take a moment to appreciate the faces around you. Each one represents our shared history, our resilience, and our hopes for a peaceful future.

    So this Friday, as you welcome Shabbos into your home, remember those who are less fortunate. Extend your hospitality, invite an extra guest to your Shabbat table, and show that you care. Together, we can make a difference.


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