Students Win the Biggest Prize for Gemara Learning




    Students Win the Biggest Prize for Gemara Learning

    Students who successfully participated in Igud Hamelamdim’s Mivtza Torah were well rewarded for their efforts. But the biggest prize of all was their ability to learn Gemara on their own • Full Story, Photos

    On Wednesday, Pesach Sheini, Igud Hamelamdim hosted an inspiring awards event for the students of Mechina Oholei Torah, celebrating their participation in the Mivtza Gemara Bifnim program. The event was a special milestone for the young bochurim who devoted themselves to mastering the intricate art of learning Gemara.

    Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, the director of Igud Hamelamdim, spoke to the boys, highlighting the spiritual significance of Sefiras Haomer and offering a unique and insightful lesson on Tefillah from Pesach Sheini.

    Principal Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm expressed his gratitude to Igud Hamelamdim for their continuous efforts and support. He then announced the winners, who eagerly stepped forward to receive their well-deserved prizes.

    The innovative Mivtza Gemara Bifnim program has played a transformative role in Lubavitch chadorim everywhere, encouraging boys to refine their skills and achieve independence in their Gemara studies.

    This comprehensive program is designed to instill self-motivation in students, guiding them to complete and understand a page of Gemara on their own. Over the past year, participants dedicated themselves to rigorous study, and their achievements were publicly recognized and applauded. Beyond the tangible rewards, the students experienced the profound satisfaction of mastering a challenging task.

    Since its inception seven years ago, Igud Hamelamdim’s Gemara Bifnim has empowered thousands of talmidim to engage deeply with the texts of their heritage. This program has significantly impacted how Gemara is taught and learned within the Lubavitch community, filling a crucial gap by focusing on the basic skills needed for independent Gemara learning.

    “Our goal is for Talmidim to feel the joy of learning independently and to experience the power of the Gemara’s holy words,” Rabbi Bluming emphasized. The ancient wisdom of Chazal, “oisiyos machkimos” – the letters increase understanding – underpins the program’s philosophy.

    Rabbi Zalman Twersky of Cheder Lubavitch of Chicago noted that the program not only empowers students but also prepares them for more advanced studies in Mesivta. Rabbi Tom Yahel of Cheder Menachem in Kingston, PA, noted the significant improvement in classroom learning he witnessed due to the program’s tools of testing and review. Rabbi Mendy Chazan of Baltimore likewise observed that the program had heightened the boys’ enthusiasm for learning.

    Much like learning to ride a bike, mastering Gemara requires consistent effort and practice until it becomes second nature. Rabbi Bluming pointed out that strengthening these skills is crucial for raising independent, lifelong learners. The success of the Gemara Bifnim program is a testament to the dedication of educators and the enduring power of Torah study, as it continues to shape the future of Lubavitch education globally.


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