Shmira: Mentally Unstable Individual Harassing Women, Children




    Shmira: Mentally Unstable Individual Harassing Women, Children

    Shmira is notifying the Crown Heights community about a mentally unstable individual who has been constantly harassing women and children in the vicinity of Troy Avenue • Full Story, Video

    Shmira is notifying the Crown Heights community about a mentally unstable individual who has been constantly harassing women and children in the vicinity of Troy Avenue.

    The individual can be recognized by his distinct white pants. He is known to loiter in the vicinity of Troy Ave and Crown St.

    The latest incident occurred on Sunday, February 19, 2023 near Crown St and Troy Ave, where the perpetrator slapped a Jewish female in the back. The victim was not injured.

    Please pay attention to your surroundings. If you see this individual, keep your distance and notify Shmira.

    In case of an emergency, call 911 and Shmira 24/7 at 718-221-0303.




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