Lubavitch Yeshiva All Smiles On Opening Day




    Lubavitch Yeshiva All Smiles On Opening Day

    Joy filled the Crown Heights streets around the building of Lubavitcher Yeshiva as the proud Temimim entered the Yeshiva building excited for their first day. Outside the building, streamers, banners and joyful music set the atmosphere, and the smiling Talmidim with their parents took pictures against the photo backdrops to remember this special day • Full Story, Photos

    Joy filled the Crown Heights streets around the building of Lubavitcher Yeshiva as the proud Temimim entered the Yeshiva building excited for their first day. Outside the building, streamers, banners and joyful music set the atmosphere, and the smiling Talmidim with their parents took pictures against the photo backdrops to remember this special day.

    As they entered the building, every Talmid received a Yeshiva yarmulka and a sweet candy.

    The Talmidim filled the halls for orientation and class division by their principals. Immediately after they were dismissed to their new classes, the Talmidim got right into learning, with Shkida, as expected of Talmidim in Tomchei Temimim.
    On their way home, every Talmid received a colorful, decorated cookie with the inscription “I’m a Proud Tomim.”


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