Crown Heights Unites in Support of KSCVK




    Crown Heights Unites in Support of KSCVK

    Photos by Dov Ber Hechtman for Chabadinfo

    On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayetzei, hundreds filled the Rosa Hall in Beis Rivka for an evening of song and support for the incredible KSCVK, in recognition of all they do for our community. The event was joined by the king of Jewish music, the legendary Mordechai Ben David and Naftali Kempeh • Full Story, Photos, Video

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayetzei, hundreds filled the Rosa Hall in Beis Rivka for an evening of song and support for the incredible KSCVK, in recognition of all they do for our community.

    The event was dedicated in memory of the late co-founder of KSCVK, Reb Shmuel Benjamin A”H, husband of Mrs. Devorah Benjamin.

    The event was joined by the king of Jewish music, the legendary Mordechai Ben David and Naftali Kempeh. With music by the amazing Mendy Hershkowitz Band, with vocal accompaniment by the sweet voices of the Shira Choir.

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