New Footage: Chanukah 5750 With The Rebbe




    New Footage: Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5751 With The Rebbe

    In honor of Sukkos RebbeDrive is pleased to present this unique footage with Scenes of Hoshaanos and Kriyas Hatorah, during Shachris with the Rebbe on the 20th of Tishrei 5751, captured by Rabbi Levi Goldstein • Watch

    The Nasi is Everything

    Even someone at the most elementary level of Torah study can understand how the conduct of the leader of the generation is relevant to everyone • Watch

    Pirsum Rishon Doc Released in Honor of RebbeDrive Staff Member’s Wedding

    The RebbeDrive organization honored one of its own, Rabbi Memkeh Shmukler, by releasing for the first time to the public a special documentary produced about the Machane Israel Development Fund in 5750 Watch

    ‘Mafteiach’ Releases Special Igros Kodesh App

    ‘Mafteiach’, the organization dedicated to bringing the Rebbe’s Torah to all, released a new app today that covers the Rebbe’s letters from over the years and Maanos from the new Likkut Maanos volumes that came out recently. Through an innovative system, the app brings the letters you are looking for right to your fingertips without having to sift through volumes of Seforim • Watch, Download App

    Chof Av 5751 Footage Restored

    In connection with Chof Menachem-Av, RebbeDrive presents newly restored footage documenting Mincha, Maariv, Sicha & Dollars of Chof Av, 5751 • Watch

    The Rebbe En-Route to the Ohel

    Watch a never-before seen clip of the Rebbe en-route to the Ohel on Yud Alef Nissan, 5746, as Chassidim sing the Rebbe’s new Kapitel Niggun • Watch

    New Footage: Chanukah 5750 With The Rebbe


