Chayolei Holds Camp Reunion in Tribute to R’ Yudi Dukes




    Chayolei Holds Camp Reunion in Tribute to R’ Yudi Dukes

    In honor of Yud Shvat, camp Chayolei Hamelech hosted a camp reunion for the SGP 5780 group which included many fun activities with pizza and sushi being served to the boys • Full Story, Photos

    In honor of Yud Shvat, camp Chayolei Hamelech hosted a camp reunion for the SGP 5780 group which included many fun activities with pizza and sushi being served to the boys.

    The reunion included camp songs, dancing, a special video presentation and many more activities.

    The highlight of the program was a special tribute to Rabbi Yudi Dukes, OB”M, who’s son was part of SGP and was participating in the reunion via ZOOM.

    The program concluded with a Hachlata undertaken by the boys and staff to participate in a weekly Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach Shiur in memory of Rabbi Dukes with a Bracha that his family should be speedily reunited with him with the coming 0f Moshiach right now.


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