Watch: ‘Just One Flame’ Shown at the Mega Moshiach Event




    Seder Nashim

    Watch: ‘Just One Flame’ Shown at the Mega Moshiach Event

    At the Moshiach Office’s Mega-Unity Farbrengen Event on April 19th, the short film “Just One Flame” was presented by the Tut Altz Live Event. The film, which told the inspirational story of Mr. Berel Solomon and his journey to Torah and mitzvot • Full Story, Video

    At the Moshiach Office’s Mega-Unity Farbrengen Event on April 19th, the short film “Just One Flame” was presented by the Tut Altz Live Event. The film, which told the inspirational story of Mr. Berel Solomon and his journey to Torah and mitzvot, left a lasting impression on the hundreds of participants who attended the event in person and the tens of thousands who tuned in online.

    “Just One Flame” conveyed a powerful message about the accessibility of every person to build a “Moshiach world” one person at a time, one mitzvah at a time. It emphasized the importance of simple acts of kindness and the impact that they can have on someone’s life. The film’s dedication to the everlasting legacy of Shlucha Mrs. Henya Federman OBM, who dedicated her life to “gathering in” Jews on far off islands and connecting them to Judaism, added an extra layer of significance and meaning to the film.

    For those who missed the live event, “Just One Flame” is a must-watch film that inspires viewers to connect with their heritage, make a positive impact in the world, and strive towards building a better future. Its powerful message and inspirational story are sure to leave a lasting impression on all who watch it.



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