Need Something for Tahlucha?




    Need Something for Tahlucha?

    Do you remember how you felt, when someone built up anticipation inside of you for a big event? You worked very hard, dreamt about it and anxiously counted down the days for the event • Full Article

    Do you remember how you felt, when someone built up anticipation inside of you for a big event? You worked very hard, dreamt about it and anxiously counted down the days for the event. You took off time from work and you headed to the place that was supposed to hold the great event and… it is a small thing that you could have hosted in your backyard!

    You get so upset and ask yourself 100 times: For THIS, I spent the time and money?! This is the culmination of all my dreams and hard work? There had better be something greater than this over here!

    Now that you know what I am talking about, try to imagine how you would feel by the giving of the Torah (which we celebrate on Shavuos). You were enslaved in Egypt and they were constantly told that “one day, we will leave and Hashem’s wisdom will be revealed to us!” You went through the process of leaving Mitzrayim, splitting the sea, counting 49 days and finally they are standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai and the time for “The big event” has arrived.

    All the scholars – you included –  took out your pens and recorders as you were expecting to finally hear heavenly laws and wisdom that has yet to be revealed to mankind and what did you hear?…. “Do not kill and do not steal?!”

    [One may say that the main revolutionary thing that the Jewish people needed to hear, was “Anochi Hashem Elokecha – that we need to believe in one G-d”. Yet, even before the giving of the Torah, all of humankind were given the “Sheva Mitzvos B’nei Noach – the seven Noahide Law”, which includes the belief in one G-d! ]

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Sicha in 5750 -1990) gives a revolutionary explanation to the above: Do not be fooled by the simplicity of the Aseres Hadibros! It is precisely because they are seemingly simple, that Hashem felt that he should give them over at the “once -in -a- lifetime” event of Matan Torah.

    The explanation: For many years before the giving of the Torah, there were those that searched for and found and served Hashem. Yet to do so, one has to “leave” the confines of the world and find hashem outside the world. This can be seen by the fact that in general the B’nei Yisrael were shepherds. They lived outside the real world.

    The purpose and accomplishment of Mattan Torah was the removal of the barriers between the spiritual and the physical. From now on, our job is to find – and reveal – Hashem in the physical world.

    No longer will “searching for meaning and G-dliness” lead a person to abandon the physical world and life, on the contrary: We are to use the physical to help reveal the spiritual. Spirituality will no longer be about lofty ideas, rather how you live your day-to-day life.

    This is the true message of the Aseres Hadibros. Hashem was telling us that he wants to be found in the simple details of our lives. He wants is to serve him even when we are struggling with some of most basic physical misdeeds (killing, stealing etc). When G-dliness affects those aspects of our lives, this in-turn bring G-dliness to the entire world. Revealing G-dliness in the physical world is the purpose of creation. We thereby take exile “Gola” and reveal the “Aleph” of G-dliness, thereby creating Geula.


    There are Tzaddikim connected to Shavuos:

    1) Moshe Rabbeinu, the one that gave us the Torah on Shavuos; 2) Dovid HaMelech, who passed away on Shavuos, also the founder of Jewish Kingship; and 3) Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov the founder of Chassidism, who also passed away on Shavuos.

    These three Tzaddikim are directly responsible for revealing G-d’s essence – and His essential love for each Jew – in the world and preparing the entire world to be ready for Moshiach.

    How do we connect to these Tzaddikim? The Lubavitcher Rebbe teaches us, that we connect through learning our daily “CHITAS” – the acronym of the words Chumash, T’hillim and Tanya. Moshe Rabbeinu wrote the Chumash (learn the daily portion of Chumash with Rashi as it is split into the seven portions of the week), Dovid HaMelech wrote the T’hillim (read the daily portion as it is split by the month), and the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov are explained in the Tanya (learn the daily portion as it is split by the year).

    When we resolve to follow the directives and examples of these tzaddikim, we will merit the revelation of Moshiach “MIYAD,” literally meaning ‘right away’, but which is also the acronym of Moshe, Yisroel and Dovid!


    In memory of Mrs. Rachel Bas Simpson In memory of Mrs. Rachel Bas Simpson. A project of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati. Visit us at


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