Rabbi Braun: Sefira FAQ’s (Part 2)




    Rabbi Braun: Sefira FAQ’s (Part 2)

    A collection of relevant halachos pertaining to the period of Sefiras HaOmer, from Halacha2Go.com and AskTheRav.com by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Mara D’asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din • Full Article

    Click Here for Part 1

    Sefira Before Nightfall

    Q. If my children go to bed before tzeis, how early can I count Sefiras HaOmer with them?

    A. The Alter Rebbe writes (O.C. 489:12) that it is appropriate to wait until tzeis ha’kochavim (nightfall) to count Sefira, however, he mentions that the minhag of the average person was to rely on the opinion that one can count Sefira from bein ha’shmashos. However, before shkiah one should not count at all, If one mistakenly counts before bein ha’shmashos, they should count again, but without a bracha.

    So, if it is difficult for your kids to stay up until tzeis ha’kochavim, they may count during bein ha’shmashos (i.e. from a few minutes after shkiah). #3858*

    Eating Before Counting Sefira

    Q. Is there a problem to begin the Shabbos meal before counting Sefira?

    A. Indeed this is a problem. This applies Friday night and during the week as well.

    One may not start a meal half an hour before the time of Sefira, i.e., half an hour before sunset. It is only permissible to do so if there is someone who is not eating who will remind everyone about Sefira. Some say even that is not sufficient.

    It should be noted that despite the fact that there are those who say that according to Kabbalah one should count Sefira after the Seder, the Alter Rebbe was not in favor of this, aside from the halacha against eating before Sefira, due to the concern that one might forget to count altogether. #14486*

    Q. Does an alarm or app to remind one to count Sefira allow one to start a meal within a half hour before shkiah?

    A. Yes, however one must count Sefira as soon as the alarm rings. #8041*

    Moving during Sefira

    Q. We moved out of our house a year ago to do renovations. The house is almost ready for us to move back. Are we allowed to move back during Sefira, or should we push ourselves to go back for Pesach (which is extremely difficult but not impossible.)

    A. There is no problem moving in during Sefira. Of course, to move in on Lag B’Omer is better. If you wish, you can bring some things in before Pesach [to consider the move being before Sefira began].

    There is also no problem in making a chanukas ha’bayis during Sefira. #13799*

    Participating in a Wedding During Sefiras HaOmer

    Q. I have a Sefardi cousin who is getting married a week after Pesach. Am I allowed to go to the chasuna, be there by the music and dancing and participate in the dancing?

    A. You may participate in the wedding and dancing. #13419*

    Trimming mustache During Sefira

    Q. Are men allowed to trim their mustache when it interferes with the food that goes into their mouth during Sefira?

    A. Many are lenient in this matter [in general] to trim with scissors the part of the mustache that interferes with eating. [Even during the “Three Weeks” this is permitted by the Shulchan Aruch (OC 551:13) and certainly during Sefira]. #6907*

    New Clothing in Sefira

    Q. I bought a new summer weekday dress the other day, completely forgetting that one isn’t supposed to shop for clothes during Sefira. May I keep the dress? If yes, must I wait until after Shavuos to wear it?

    A. You may keep the dress. If it is a simple weekday dress, you may wear it now. If it is an expensive Shabbos dress, you should wait to wear it until Shabbos. #4177

    Q. I’ve heard that the avi ha’ben (father of a child having a Bris) doesn’t take a haircut during Sefira, does the same apply to new clothes?

    A. The avi ha’ben may buy new clothing for the Bris during Sefira. Regarding a haircut, there are different opinions on the matter. The general custom is not to. #4225*

    Music During SEFIRA

    Q. Am I allowed to play nigunim with music, during Sefira, for my students at nap time to make it easier for them to fall asleep?

    A. I’m assuming you are discussing preschool children.

    This is permissible for two reasons:

    Since they are below the age of Chinuch.

    Since it’s to put them to sleep.

    Still, it’s an educationally sound practice not to play music even for little kids though they haven’t reached the formal stage of Chinuch. There are other non musical options available out there. #3993*

    Q. My daughter plays keyboard. She does not take any lessons but likes to develop her skills on her own. Is she allowed to play on Sefira, mainly to continue developing her skills?

    A. Practicing to play an instrument as a hobby during Sefira is not allowed unless one is practicing for playing that he does for his parnassa, because then this is not considered simcha. If it’s not a complete song just bits and pieces, its fine. #3852*

    Q. Can I begin listening to music at shkiah of Lag B’Omer, or do I have to wait till tzeis?

    A. The custom is to wait until nightfall on the eve of Lag B’Omer. #413 

    * References are available for this Halacha on: www.Halacha2Go.com and www.AskTheRav.com

    Please note that these halachos apply in general situations, if you are unsure whether the halacha applies to your particular situation, please consult a Rov.


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