Three Mamorim for Chof Ches Sivan, Explained




    Three Mamorim for Chof Ches Sivan, Explained

    This Thursday, Chassidim around the world will celebrate Chof Ches Sivan, to mark the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s safe arrival on American shores in 5701. You can connect to the Rebbe by learning the three mugah Mamarim with Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz • Full Story, Video

    This Thursday, Chassidim around the world will celebrate Chof Ches Sivan, to mark the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s safe arrival on American shores in 5701, 83 years ago, heralding a new era of Hafatzas Hama’ayanos.

    In honor of the joyous day, you can connect to the Rebbe by learning the three certified & edited (מוגה) Mamarim with Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida

    In Honor of the Yom Tov, we were zoche to have three certified and edited (מוגה) Mamorim from the Rebbe available to learn, and now available to learn via video shiur with Rabbi Minkowicz on Chabadinfo.

    As Chasidim, we all know the deepest, most powerful & meaningful way to connect to the Rebbe is by learning the Rebbe’s Torah, especially by learning the certified and edited Mamarim of the Rebbe.

    Enjoy and gut Yom Tov!

    מאמר ועתה יגדל נא תשי”ט
    קונטרס כ”ח סיון – תשמ”ט
    בס”ד. ש”פ שלח, כ”ח סיון, מבה”ח תמוז ה’תשי”ט

    מאמר וישלח יהושוע תשל”ו
    קונטרס כ”ח סיון – תשמ”ח
    בס”ד. ש”פ שלח, כ”ח סיון, מבה”ח תמוז, ה’תשל”ו

    מאמר והנה פרח מטה אהרן תשל”ג
    קונטרס כ”ח סיון – תש”נ
    בס”ד. ש”פ קרח, א’ דר”ח תמוז ה’תשל”ג


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