How Does One Celebrate A Corona Recovery?




    Seder Nashim

    How Does One Celebrate A Corona Recovery?

    New question on In a few days will be the anniversary of my entering the hospital with corona, r”l. My question is, when and how to celebrate my miraculous recovery. Three options: The day I entered the hospital, the day I returned home or when Hashem granted me the miraculous turnaround from “near falling of the cliff” to back to life? See Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun‘s response Full Story

    Question: In a few days will be the anniversary of my entering the hospital with corona, r”l.

    My question is, when and how to celebrate my miraculous recovery.

    Three options: The day I entered the hospital, the day I returned home or when Hashem granted me the miraculous turnaround from “near falling of the cliff” to back to life?

    Answer: The celebration and Seudas Hoda’ah should be held on the anniversary of the day which you returned home.

    By this Seuda the story should be retold to thank Hashem for the great miracle that he did for you and Divrei Torah should be shared.

    It is a common practice to make this Seuda on the closest Shabbos after Davening by the kiddush when there is a big crowd and the miracle is shared with a larger crowd.


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