Yisroel Yudkin, 22, HY”D




    Yisroel Yudkin, 22, HY”D

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Captain Yisroel Yudkin, HY”D, a Lubavitch Bachur and soldier from Kfar Chabad, who served in the Netzach Yehudah battalion in Gaza. He was killed in northern Gaza, Al Kiddush Hashem, while defending Eretz Yisroel • Full Story

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Captain Yisroel Yudkin, HY”D, a Lubavitch Bachur and soldier from Kfar Chabad, who served in the Netzach Yehudah battalion in Gaza. He was killed in northern Gaza, Al Kiddush Hashem, while defending Eretz Yisroel.

    He was 23.

    Yisroel was the son of R’ Tuvia and Tzippy Yudkin of Kfar Chabad. R’ Tuvia just got up from Shiva following the passing of R’ Schneur Zalman Yudkin.

    Yisroel learned in the Tomchei Temimim Daas Yeshiva in Rechovot and later joined Netzach Yehudah, one of the IDF’s frum battalions.

    The IDF promoted Yisroel from lieutenant to captain after his death.

    He is survived by his parents, R’ Tuvia and Tzipi Yudkin, and siblings.

    Baruch Dayan Haemes

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