Sarah Tzivia Niselevitch, 3, OBM




    Sarah Tzivia Niselevitch, 3, OBM

    We are deeply saddened to report on the tragic passing of Sarah Tzivia Niselevitch, OBM, the young daughter of Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka Niselevitch, Shluchim to S. Paulo, Brazil. She passed away on Thursday, Erev Shavuos • Full Story

    We are deeply saddened to report on the tragic passing of Sarah Tzivia Niselevitch, the young daughter of Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka Niselevitch, Shluchim to S. Paulo, Brazil. She passed away on Thursday, Erev Shavuos.

    She was 3 years old.

    Her parents serve as Shluchim to the Israeli community in S. Paulo, and Rabbi Niselevich serves as a Mashpia at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in S. Paulo.

    The levaya will be held today, Sunday, at 1:00 PM in S. Paulo, Brazil.

    Baruch Dayan Haemes.



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    1. YMSP

      Please give this over to the family – and all of anash is with you.

      The Rebbe’s Words:

      True Words of Comfort
      Also printed in the book “To Know and To Care”:

      Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitz, an elder chassid who lives in Jerusalem, was
      once waiting for yechidut (a private audience with the Rebbe). Among
      those waiting was a young man, obviously wealthy, but wearing a morose
      and despondent expression.

      A short while later, the young man entered the Rebbe’s room, and when
      he emerged, his expression had changed. His face beamed forth energy
      and vitality.

      Curious about this abrupt shift in emotion, when his own yechidut
      concluded, Reb Nachum inquired about the young man’s identity from the
      Rebbe’s secretaries and was able to arrange a meeting.

      “I am a wealthy man,” the young man told Reb Nachum, “but recently, my
      only son died. At that point, I felt that my life no longer had any
      purpose. I saw no value to my wealth or my position.

      “I went to the Rebbe for solace and advice.

      “The Rebbe asked me what my feelings would be if my son went overseas
      and was living in a foreign country from which he could not
      communicate to me, but in which I could be assured that all his needs
      were being met and he had no suffering at all.

      “I answered that although the separation would be difficult to bear, I
      would be happy for my son.

      “ ‘And although he could not respond, if you could communicate with
      him and send packages to him,’ the Rebbe continued, ‘would you do so?’

      “ ‘Of course,’ I answered.“ ‘

      This is precisely your present situation,’ the Rebbe concluded. ‘With
      every word of prayer you recite, you are sending a message to your
      son. And with every gift you make to charity or institution which you
      fund you are sending a package to him. He cannot respond, but he
      appreciates your words and your gifts.’ ”


      One time visiting a shiva, the Lubavitcher Rebbe explained that no one
      goes away.
      A passing is like someone moving from a mundane bayis to a bright

      Rabbi Sirota in Denver often explains that we use the term “HaMokom”
      to stress that Hashem who is here with us is the same Hashem who is
      there with our loved ones above and connects both us and them


      HRH”T Dovber Shimshon Yafeh writes in Zichron Tzadkim VaChasidim (mostly about the Rabbeim, but in the end adds amazing lessons) that he and his wife had a little child who lived less than a year, named after his Zeide who had recently passed. The child once flipped through all the pages of Tanya. Because of various things, they realized that he was a gilgul of his Zaide, who had been promised by Reb Hillel Paritcher to be with him in Gan Eden and had been baffled at the time how he could attain this. His short time down here was a great tikkun above and another body will come back soon with Techiya (the Rebbe writes that the seder is, in general (aside from certain Tzadikim, etc.), that those who passed away most recent come back first). May we see this now.

      Hoping and praying for your comfort. May you only have good and comfort.

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