Rabbi Yona Pruss, 59, OBM




    Rabbi Yona Pruss, 59, OBM

    We are deeply saddened to report of the untimely passing of Rabbi Yona Pruss, a pillar of the Chabad community in London, England. He passed away on Thursday, 20 Iyar, 5783 • Full Story

    We are deeply saddened to report of the untimely passing of Rabbi Yona Pruss, a pillar of the Chabad community in London, England. He passed away on Thursday, 20 Iyar, 5783.

    He was 59.

    R’ Yonah grew up in Crown Heights and was as a bochur was sent by the Rebbe on shlichus to Dnipro, Ukraine which was then still part of the Soviet Union.

    He later moved to Golders Green, London where he was a respected member of the Lubavitch community.

    Rabbi Pruss was known for his geshmak in learning and teaching Chassidus and especially the Rebbe’s ma’amorim. He gave many classes on the Rebbe’s Ma’amarim.

    He is survived by his wife Chana (nee Vogel) and children: Sarale Notik – Riverwoods, Illinois, Mushka Druk – Kingston, PA; Baila Goldstein – Crown Heights; Mendy PrussYitzchok Pruss, Tzviki Pruss – New Haven; Schneor Pruss, Koppel Pruss, Chasya Pruss, Leah Pruss; and grandchildren.

    He is also survived by his father R’ Shmarya Pruss of Crown Heights and his siblings R’ Yitzchak Pruss – Crown Heights, Henya Greenberg – Los Angeles, CA, Zalman Pruss, and Chani Vogel of Monsey, NY.

    Shiva will be held at 307 Crown Street, Pruss Residence.

    5 minyanim needed

    Shacharis: 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00

    Mincha: bzman
    1:30, 7:30 (4 minyanim)

    Maariv: bzman

    Baruch Dayan Haemes.


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