Rabbi Sholem Lapidus, 50, OBM




    Rabbi Sholem Lapidus, 50, OBM

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Rabbi Sholem Matisyahu Lapidus, the dedicated director of Toras Emes Cheder in Yerushalayim and mashpia in Beitar Illit. He passed away on Wednesday, 2 Kislev, 5784 • Full Story

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Rabbi Sholem Matisyahu Lapidus, the dedicated director of Toras Emes Cheder in Yerushalayim and mashpia in Beitar Illit. He passed away on Wednesday, 2 Kislev, 5784.

    He was 50.

    Rabbi Lapidus served as a mashpia in the Chabad shul in Beitar Illit and as the director of Talmud Torah Toras Emes in Yerushalayim.

    Around three weeks ago, while he was in Germany for his son’s wedding, he was severely injured in a car accident.

    Since the accident, thousands of Anash said Tehillim in his merit until the tragic news of his passing this morning.

    He is survived by his wife Rivky and their children: Mushky Wolff – Odessa, Ukraine, Mendy, Levi, Shneur, Yossi, Miriam, Osher, Sara and Shira.

    He is also survived by his parents R’ Daniel and Tova Lapidus of Crown Heights. Siblings: Mrs. Ruchy Oster – Crown Heights; Rabbi Avrumi Lapidus – Yerushalayim; Mrs. Yael Farkash – Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mrs. Shifra Heber – Long Island, NY; Mrs. Esty Halperin – Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rabbi Uri Lapidus – Mendoza, Argentina; Mrs. Shaina Cohen – Manchester, UK; and Rabbi Yossi Lapidus – Five Towns, NY.

    The levaya was held today at Shamgar funeral home in Yerushalayim.

    Baruch Dayan Haemes


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