Mrs. Yehudis Dubinsky, 96, OBM




    Mrs. Yehudis Dubinsky, 96, OBM

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Mrs. Yehudis Dubinsky, a beloved mother and grandmother, who led a life of Mesiras Nefesh under Communist Russia. She passed away on Monday, 20 Teves, 5784 • Full Story

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Mrs. Yehudis Dubinsky, a beloved mother and grandmother from a Chabad family who led a life of Mesiras Nefesh under Communism. She passed away on Monday, 20 Teves, 5784.

    She was 96.

    Mrs. Yehudis Dubinsky was the daughter of Reb Avrum and Chana Tziperstein OBM, a heroic Chabad family from Kremenchug, Ukraine. They risked their lives for the spread of Yiddishkeit during the post-war years in the 70’s and 80’s.

    Reb Avrum, his wife, and 12 children held undercover minyanim in their home, ensuring that Yiddishkeit continued during the difficult time of the Soviet Union. Their family was a major support for the Yidden in the Kremenchug community.

    Taking her father’s lead, Mrs. Yehudis Dubinsky ensured the continuation of Yiddishkeit in America, raising a beautiful family.

    She was extremely dedicated to her family and always found a way to give to others. Her smile radiated to everyone she encountered. Her entire life was about others.

    Mrs. Dubinsky is survived by her children, Chana Portnoy – Fair Lawn, NJ and Tanya Dubinsky – Flatbush, NY.

    She is also survived by her three siblings; Rosa, Meir, and Efim Tziperstein, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

    She was predeceased by her husband R’ Yehuda Dubinsky OBM and her son R’ Moshe Dubinsky OBM.

    The Levaya took place on Tuesday.

    Shiva will be in Flatbush and New Jersey.

    Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.


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