Mrs. Helene Gelfand, OBM




    Mrs. Helene Gelfand, OBM

    Wea re deeply saddened to report on the passing of Mrs. Helene Gelfand, a longtime educator who served as the principal of the English department at Bais Rivkah in Crown Heights. She passed away on Friday, Tishrei, 5784 • Full Story

    Wea re deeply saddened to report on the passing of Mrs. Helene Gelfand, a longtime educator who served as the principal of the English department at Bais Rivkah in Crown Heights. She passed away on Friday, Tishrei, 5784.

    Mrs. Helene Gelfand served as dedicated Bais Rivkah principal, caring for its primary students for 40 years.

    Generations of parents, teachers and students remember her kindness and professionalism. She was a model of tznius, elegance and grace.

    Mrs. Gelfand served as English principal in Bais Rivka from 5736-5776/1976-2016.

    “The Bais Rivkah community past and present has tremendous hakaros hatov for how she inspired her staff and students and touched their lives,” the Bais Rivka board said in a statement.

    She is survived by her children Mrs. Rivka Warshavchik, Mr. Yakov Gelfand, Mrs. Ruthi Ismach, Mrs. Hudi Schnall, and Mr. Matis Gelfand.


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