Mrs. Chana Simpson, 88, OBM




    Seder Nashim

    Mrs. Chana Simpson, 88, OBM

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Mrs. Chana Simpson, a beloved mother and grandmother and co-founder of Simpsons Jewelers of Boro Park, Brooklyn. She passed away on Tuesday, 29 Nissan, 5784 • Full Story

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    We are deeply saddened to report on the passing of Mrs. Chana Simpson, a beloved mother and grandmother and co-founder of Simpsons Jewelers of Boro Park, Brooklyn. She passed away on Tuesday, 29 Nissan, 5784.

    She was 88.

    Chana was born in 1936 to her parents, Reb Moshe Uri and Mrs. Sarah Follman, chassidim from Romania who came to America in the prewar days.

    Despite the fierce winds of assimilation blowing in the U.S. at the time, Chana would grow steeped in Yiddishkeit and yiras Shomayim.

    Along with her husband R’ Leible Simpson, OBM, she founded the renowned Simpson Jewelers in the 1950s—one of the first Shomer Shabbos stores in Boro Park.

    Together with her husband, Chana was a big baalas tzedakah and very generous to many causes. She helped establish Bnos Menachem and supported it to this day. She was known for her Yiras Shamayim, and her friendliness and warmth to anyone she knew, people would call her for chizuk and support all the time.

    During the last decade years, she suffered from an illness, yet she was mekabel yesurim be’ahava.

    She is survived by her son, R’ Yossi Simpson of Crown Heights, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, many of whom are on Shlichus.

    The Levaya will pass by 770 today at 4 PM.

    Baruch Dayan Haemes.


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