Alexander Friedkis, 79, OBM




    Alexander Friedkis, 79, OBM

    We regret to inform you of the passing of Alexander Friedkis, who served as the president of the Jewish community in Dnipro during the dark years of Communism Full Story

    Alexander Friedkis, the revered president of the religious community in Dnipro, passed away on Sunday, 20 Tammuz, at the age of 74. Born in 1944 to R’ Avraham and Bella Friedkis, he hailed from a community that had been spiritually guided by the esteemed Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, father of the Rebbe MH”M.

    From a young age, Alexander dedicated himself to the management of religious affairs in the city, serving as the president of the “Chevra Kadisha” and treasurer of the central synagogue, known as ‘Shoshanas Yaakov’. Additionally, he was highly regarded as a physician and surgeon.

    Despite threats from the Communist regime, he steadfastly attended Shul every Shabbos throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, even at the risk of losing his job.

    Year after year, Alexander journeyed to Moscow alongside his predecessor, R’ Hersh Krol, to bring back 50 tons of matzah and supplies for Yom Tov for the Jewish community in Dnipro. Following the fall of communism, Alexander and R’ Hersh approached the Rebbe and proposed that he assume the role of the city’s rabbi, previously held by his father.

    Describing Alexander as a remarkable individual, Rabbi Kaminetski highlighted his role as a role model and living example of unwavering dedication to spreading Yiddishkeit with genuine faith. Alexander, with tremendous self-sacrifice, kept the flame of Judaism alive during difficult times and displayed boundless kindness in assisting fellow Jews.

    Despite severe illness in recent times, Alexander refused to leave Ukraine for medical treatment and instead, devoted himself to heroic efforts alongside the Federation of Jewish Communities. Together, they rescued numerous Jews from the city, ensuring their safety in other countries.

    Alexander is survived by his wife, his son R’ Aharon Friedkis of Har Chabad in Kiryat Malachi, and his grandchildren.

    The levaya took place at the cemetery in Kiryat Malachi, where friends, family, and community members bid their final farewell to this remarkable individual.


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