Rare Recording of the Freidiker Rebbe




    Rare Recording of the Freidiker Rebbe

    On the occasion of 12-13 Tammuz, we share this rare recording of the 12-23 Tammuz 5709 Farbreingen, the last Farbreingen with the Freidiker Rebbe at Beit Chayinu-770, with the lone central voice being that of the Rebbe himself, in a melody that he very much liked (Nigun of a chossid, oved hashem that would daven with this niggun) • Listen

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    1. Date?

      The date 5769 doesn’t make sense.
      Where in the recording is the Rayatz voice?

    2. yerachmiel wolowik

      How do you know it’s the rebbes voice?

    3. T

      Did you mean 12 Tammuz 5709 ?
      It can’t be 5769.

    4. ?

      Wouldn’t 5769 refer to tof shin samech tes? Which obviously wouldn’t make sense.
      What yr is thos referring to?

    5. A few questions

      First of all the year is wrong it couldn’t have been 5769 it would have to be at least 5709/1949

      Also where can I download this recording?

    6. mendel

      can i recive it in downloadeble format?

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