Op-Ed: Should EVERYONE Compose A Niggun For Yud Aleph Nissan?




    Seder Nashim

    Op-Ed: Should EVERYONE Compose A Niggun For Yud Aleph Nissan?

    Farbrengen of 11 Nissan, 5741

    Opinion by Zushi Weinberg Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Hey Teves, Yud Shvat, Yud Alef Nissan, Chof Ches Sivan. These days hold immense significance in the Lubavitch calendar, shaping the essence of Dor Hashvii. Already when we turn the page of the calendar and we see the approaching date, anticipation fills the air. Over the years, access to make niggun for the Rebbe’s Kapital became easier then ever, but should everyone make their own composition? • Full Article

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    By Zushi Weinberg

    Preparations for Yimei Depagra

    Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Hey Teves, Yud Shvat, Yud Alef Nissan, Chof Ches Sivan.

    These days hold immense significance in the Lubavitch calendar, shaping the essence of Dor Hashvii. Already when we turn the page of the calendar and we see the approaching date, anticipation fills the air.

    We prepare for these days with the proper Hachonos, learning Sichos and Maamorim, and taking upon ourselves Hachlotos Tovos.

    Yud Alef Nissan in particular, we prepare for the Rebbe a gift of which he will have Nachas from us Chassidim. We make Chalukos in the Rebbe’s Torah, groups will learn a set number of Maamorim, Sichos, Letters, Farbrengens, and of course the preparations for the Mitzvah Tank Parade!

    Niggunim for the Rebbe’s Kapitl

    In 5730 a new initiative began, matching words from the Rebbe’s Kapitl to a Niggun, and in 5742 this initiative took another step – composing an entirely new Niggun for the Rebbe’s Kapitl. Baalei Menagnim publicized their compositions, and usually one was accepted by the Chassidim to be sung by the Rebbe that year.

    As time passed, it was decided to establish a Vaad, to make a seder and decide on one Niggun to be the chosen one.

    Who will be the Yud Alef Nissan Star

    In the past decades, the possibility to self-produce music became more accessible, recording equipment more affordable, and devices with digital recordings at everyone’s fingertips. The ability to record a Niggun with accompanying music from a keyboard was available to everyone.

    This started a new era, the preparations for 11 Nissan has a new meaning, there is now a full-fledged Lubavitch-wide competition – Who will be the Yud Alef Nissan Niggun Star!

    Everyone with a recording device and access to someone who knows how to play the keyboard can effortlessly send in their composition and they have a chance to win the trophy.

    This is a Bizayon and a joke!!!

    No more is the objective of the Vaad is to choose the most suitable Niggun, the one with the most geshmak, the one most in the Ruach of 11 Nissan, rather filter through a never ending mess of keyboards and lyrics, to maybe find one that can resemble a Niggun.

    Gone are the days when one Niggun was rejected because it sounded polish, and another like Tzlil Vezemer. Today, if a Niggun like that can be found it’s a plus, at least we have something that resembles a song.

    The Hefkeirus just gets worse, out of the 100+ Niggunim submitted this year, how many of them were just sent in as a joke? The mere fact that Bocherim even made this joke is one thing, but the fact that it was entered into the competition shows the incompetence of the Meargenim.

    What used to be “the Niggun of the year” is now just a niche song that holds no significance. As Bocherim, we would follow the Niggunim as people follow sport stats, now it’s just a laugh when someone posts the Shmuel Kunda song on WhatsApp.

    How many Niggunim from the past 30 or so years are still sung on a regular basis, the Niggunim of old are still sung, why should the Niggunim of today be any different!?

    Setting Grounds

    To restore glory to the Rebbe’s Niggun there must be set grounds – what will and what will not be accepted into this “competition”. the Meargenim must “screen“ every Niggun being sent in, and only the appropriate admissions will be publicized as being entered into the competition, and it will be made clear that from only these will the Vaad choose!

    I therefore recommend the following.

    To the Vaad: Establish rules for the Niggunim which will be accepted into the competition. There should be a statement before the start of the season that only the Niggunim which meet the criteria will be admitted.

    I suggest the following rules:

    1) No Niggun from a child not yet in mesivta will be accepted into the competition.

    2) A Niggun sent by a bocher in Yeshivah Shiur Alef Mesivta through Shiur Beis Zal will only be accepted with an endorsement of a Mashpia, there has to be someone to take Achrayus on these Niggunim!

    3) Niggunim that aren’t in the spirit of a Lubavitcher Niggun will not be accepted.

    These rules are to establish the grounds of the expected standard for the Niggunim for 11 Nissan, and hopefully to discourage the Hefkeirus in this field. The Bocherim Hameargenim should screen all admissions and enforce these rules.

    I also request on behalf of Kahal Hachsidim in general, please be more conscientious of which Niggun is chosen. You’re responsibility is immense, the Niggun, besides for being sung by Simchas Beis Hashieva and Adar dancing, will also be sung at Chassidishe Farbrengens, and most importantly, in front of the Rebbe!

    To the Mashpiim:Ttalk to the bocherim under your care, let them know that there are better ways to prepare for Yud Alef Nissan. This Niggun contest is not a talent show, not everyone should reach for the stars, especially if it turns into a joke!

    To the rest of Anash: just like bocherim, you are guilty of turning this into a joke. If you are a composer in any genre that it may be, and you want to gift the Rebbe with a song in said genre, by all means, and it’s even encouraged. but not every composition is a Chassidishe Niggun, if you created something that doesn’t sound like a Niggun, don’t sent it in! (Upload it to your YouTube channel or something, but not to the Vaad Hanigunim)

    And to the Baalei Menagnim: If you have a Chush, and you have the ability to compose a Chayusdike, Chassidishe Niggun, don’t be shy, please send in your Minchas Ashir to the Rebbe!

    רבת שבעה לה נפשינו הלעג השאננים הבוז לגאי יונים.

    With the hope that this year Yud Alef Nissan we will see the Rebbe being Me’oded the Niggun, in 770, all chassidim together. Amen.


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