Purim Celebration Fills OYYL School with Joy




    Seder Nashim

    Purim Celebration Fills OYYL School with Joy

    The Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitchl community came together on Purim to celebrate the joyous Yom Tov. Families gathered to hear the melodic reading of the Megillah by Rabbi Kaplan, the beloved elementary school Rebbi • Full Story, Photos

    The Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitchl community came together on Purim to celebrate the joyous Yom Tov. Families gathered to hear the melodic reading of the Megillah by Rabbi Kaplan, the beloved elementary school Rebbi.


    Following the riveting Megillah reading, a spirit of Achdus filled the hall as families and teachers engaged in the treasured Mishloach Manos tradition. Students and their families shared smiles and treats with one another, infusing all present with the lively Purim atmosphere. 


    Next, merriment abounded at the Purim carnival. Laughter rang out as students arrived in colorful costumes portraying their favorite Purim characters. A highlight was the rally, where students’ sweet voices recited the holy 12 pesukim with focus and care. 


    As prizes were raffled and a delicious Purim seudah began, unity and togetherness reigned supreme. Both young and old basked in the powerful lessons of our salvation. Tefillos ascended for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel.


    OYYL prides itself on community programs that foster warmth and connection across the families. This annual event is a shining example, skillfully bringing all together in the pursuit of simcha. 


    Heartfelt hakaras hatov to the Schneiderman, Kabakow and Gewirts families, and to Sheli Atara Man, for generously underwriting this momentous celebration of Victory and Simcha! 







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