Touching: FSU Jewry Unites To Commemorate International Holocaust Memorial Day




    Touching: FSU Jewry Unites To Commemorate International Holocaust Memorial Day

    In a special display of solidarity, Jewish communities across the former Soviet Union joined together to mark the International Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27. This annual event, recognized as the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, brought forth a poignant commemoration of the six million Jews who tragically lost their lives during this dark chapter in history Full Story, Photos

    In major cities and communities, and even in remote villages, thousands of Jews of diverse backgrounds and ages actively participated in numerous communal memorial events honoring the memory of those who perished and reflecting on the profound impact of the Holocaust up to this day.

    The events, taking place throughout Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other FSU countries, featured the recitation of traditional mourning prayers, including Kaddish, Yizkor, and Kel Malei Rachaim. Distinguished speakers, including dignitaries and rabbis, delivered speeches underscoring the importance of remembering the victims, fighting against antisemitism, and ensuring that the world never witnesses such a tragedy again.

    The Federation of Jewish Communities (FJC) has played a pivotal role in organizing such events across dozens of Jewish educational institutions and informal Jewish educational projects. In addition to the customary rituals, these institutions showcased plays and social activities promoting tolerance, Jewish pride, and identity. Exhibits and informal educational activities were also curated to guarantee that the memory of the Holocaust is perpetuated for future generations.

    Rabbi Mendy Zaklas, the Chief Rabbi of Bryansk, eloquently expressed the deep connection felt by every Jew in the community: “When this day arrives annually, one cannot stay indifferent. Both the young and the old gather at the synagogue and JCC to commemorate the memory of the millions who perished, pray for the elevation of their souls, and declare with pride, ‘Never Again.’” The unity and shared commitment to remembrance within FSU Jewry serve as a poignant testament to the enduring legacy of those who suffered during the Holocaust.


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