Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht: The Voice of Halacha is the Voice of the Shluchim!




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    Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht: The Voice of Halacha is the Voice of the Shluchim!

    Photo: Dov Ber Hechtman/Chabadinfo

    Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht, Rav and Shliach at Beth Israel Chabad of Westport/Norwalk, addressed the Shluchim’s Melava Malkah, last night and spoke about Shleimus Ha’aretz, and how that Shluchim should contact their politicians and ambassadors in support of the Holy Land • Full Article, Video

    You have established might, to counter Your enemies, to silence foe and avenger (Tehillim 8:3)

    by Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht, Beth Israel Chabad, Norwalk, CT


    A story is related of a fellow entering the Kosher bakery on the Lower East Side to purchase a cheese Danish. The salesclerk says that will be $1.25. That seems “overpriced says the buyer”, to which the salesperson replies, “for Israel – for Israel” and the person leaves with his Danish. The same repeats itself two more times on subsequent weeks and each time the price of the Danish increases until it doubles in price. The buyer exclaims “two-fifty for a Danish?” to which the clerk replies nodding his head “for Israel for Israel.” The buyer is adamant and says, “even a Danish for Israel cannot be $2.50!” the clerk turns around and calls to the back office of the bakery, “Israel, Israel, there is a customer who needs to speak to you.

    It’s no joke when we speak about Eretz Yisroel – Israel. The security of the people dwelling in Eretz Yisroel is a major concern of every Shliach. Those serving in Israel and those serving as Shluchim all over the world, the safety and security must be part of our work benefitting the security of Am Hayoshev B’tzion and the Jewish people throughout the world.

    In the Tehillim (Tehillim 87) that we recite before Grace after Meals, Dovid Hamelech declares: Hashem Yispor Bchesov Amim – that Hashem takes note (count) of the register of the Nations. This evenings Kinus happens to fall on the English date of November 11th. In the eleventh month – November, on the eleventh day 11/11 on the eleventh hour, the armistice and victory of the USA and its allies was signed. Germany surrendered unconditionally – they were Kaput, finished and totally vanquished.

    This day called Veterans Day marking the total victory of the allies calls upon us Shluchim to demand a total victory for Klal Yisroel, assuring that the State of Israel never ever again enter a land “giveaway” to its enemies.

    To do so is a serious violation of the Halacha in Orech Chaim #329, that for security of the inhabitants, one is obligated to desecrate the holy Shabbos, to defend against any attempt of the enemy, even if they are only interested in taking straw or hay, as they will return to attack and take souls (murder – hostage) Heaven-forfend!

    Every Jewish person is identified as “And to Zion it will be said, “this person and that was born there” referring to Eretz Yisrael. And Rashi comments that every Jew, wherever they may be, is a descendant of Eretz Yisrael and thus this land belongs to the Jewish people.

    No Nation or entity can ever say: the Jews of Israel are Europeans, they are Mizrahim, they are Olim from North America, Asia, or Africa.  No, not at all!  We are not strangers or foreigners in our own land of Israel. Every one of us here tonight – living in Israel or on any of the seven continents, we are all Yalud Shom – born in Eretz Yisrael, stakeholders in Eretz Yisrael, owners of this holy land.

    No one, nor any political entity, including the government of Israel itself, is allowed to give away that which is not theirs to give away. Israel is an everlasting Achuzas Olom an eternal inheritance of the Jewish people. The danger of giving portions of land to the enemy only emboldens further erosion of the security of the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael.

    The Rebbe MH”M said in the Farbrengen of Shabbos Lech Lecha 5744, quoting the Midrash Rabah (Chapter #84) that the Kinus of Yaacov Avinu and the Kinus of his sons; saved him from the hands of Eisav.

    Yes, there are two Kinusim. One personal – where we gather ourselves – all ten faculties of our souls and another Kinnus – all the sons of Yaacov.

    We will through this Kinus resolve to speak out and speak up on Pikuach Nefesh and Shleimus Ha’aretz, and we all will most assuredly overcome Eisav, Amalek, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran, and the head of the wicked evil Hamas whose name is Sinwar yemach shemo.

    United in one Kinus with our Rebbe MH”M – as his children have the power of unity created by this holy Kinus to bring the ultimate victory to Klal Yisroel the ultimate redemption of MOSHIACH TZIDKAINU!

    Full Speech:


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