WATCH: ‘Test of Faith’ – What Really Happened Gimmel Tammuz




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    WATCH: ‘Test of Faith’ – What Really Happened Gimmel Tammuz

    As we approach 29 years since Gimmel Tammuz, let’s reflect on what really happened then. ATO International is releasing  “Veabito Niflaos” which will be streaming this tonight, on Chabadinfo • Full Story, Watch

    As we approach 29 years since Gimmel Tammuz, let’s reflect on what really happened then.

    To truly understand the emotions and sentiments felt by Chassidim during this time, we must first examine the events that led up to it.

    On Chof Zayin Adar 5754, the Chassidim had a devastating blow when the Rebbe had a second, more severe “stroke” than the first. Despite the immense challenges they faced, the Chassidim remained resolute in their conviction that the Rebbe is Moshiach and would redeem us at any moment. Yet as time passed, some may have questioned whether their beliefs and hopes were going to be misplaced.

    Then Gimmel Tammuz happened. The Chassidim’s unwavering faith was put to the ultimate test. Rather than succumbing to despair, they emerged even stronger, proudly proclaiming to the world that the Rebbe is still Moshiach and that He will lead us out of Galus at any moment.

    Now, ATO International is thrilled to announce the coming of a new “Veabito Niflaos” production that will be streaming this Gimmel Tammuz on all platforms. This powerful hour and a half film will include high-quality, never-before-seen live documentation from this tumultuous period, offering viewers first-hand interviews and a glimpse into the emotions and experiences of the Chassidim during this trying time, it will take you on a journey which captures the essence of their unshakeable faith and belief that the Rebbe is still alive and will redeem us imminently.

    The film will debut tonight at 7:30 PM, watch it on Chabadinfo or at





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