The Rebbe on Chinuch: The Dangers of Public School




    Seder Nashim

    The Rebbe on Chinuch: The Dangers of Public School

    I am a 770 Bochur that goes on the “Released Time” program and see first-hand the issues with public school education. I was wondering if the Rebbe ever openly wrote about the issues of public-school education • Rabbi Gershon Avtzon answers in this week’s Chinuch and Moshiach column • Full Article

    Question: I am a 770 Bochur that goes on the “Released Time” program (where bochurim go to public schools to teach Yiddishkeit for an hour a week) and see first-hand the issues with public school education. I was wondering if the Rebbe ever openly wrote about the issues of public school education.

    Answer: The following are some of the answers that the Rebbe wrote about public schools:

    (1) In 5722 (1962), someone wrote to the Rebbe that he was being “forced” and pressured to send their descendants to public school [I am not sure of what the background of this story was — RGA]. The Rebbe responded: “It is certain that you are doing everything that you can in this (the education of the children). First and foremost, everyone learns in institutions where Yiras Shamayim is strongest. It is obvious that you will not (willingly) send them to Public school (as mentioned in your letter).

    Concerning what you write that you are forced to do it — chas v’Shalom and chas v’Shalom to say that! Everyone was given free choice. Even when the Yetzer Hara wants to force you, Hashem will help you if you want to be helped.” (Igros, Vol. 22 p. 199; #8396)

    (2) “You write that your son is not being successful in Yeshiva. It is obvious that it is a good thing that your son should learn a trade in a trade school that teaches Torah. It is self-understood that he should not go to public school- because there they are mixed with non-Jews as well as the school being mixed between boys and girls. (Igros Vol. 24 p. 146; #9152).

    While the Rebbe’s opinion on having kids attend public school is clear, the Rebbeim, being a true shepherd of Israel, didn’t forsake those Jewish kids still, unfortunately, in such institutions. The Rebbe Rayatz began the “Released Time” program you mentioned and the Rebbe encorged it greatly. 

    Another topic related to this is the Rebbe’s campaign to allow non-denominational prayer at public schools (and later, a Moment of Silence”). 

    Here’s a sample letter about this:

    (4) … In reply to your inquiry as to whether or not there has been a change in my views on the question of prayer in the public schools, inasmuch as this issue has again become a topic of the day in connection with congressional efforts to introduce a constitutional amendment to permit certain religious exercises in the public schools,

    Let me assure you at once that my views, as outlined in my letter of the 24th of Cheshvan, 5723, have not changed. As I stated then, my views are firmly anchored in the Torah, Torath Chayim. Their validity could therefore not have been affected by the passing of time. On the contrary, if there could have been any change at all, it was to reinforce my conviction of the vital need that the children in the public schools should be allowed to begin their day at school with the recitation of a non-denominational prayer, acknowledging the existence of a Creator and Master of the Universe, and our dependence upon Him. In my opinion, this acknowledgment is absolutely necessary in order to impress upon the minds of our growing-up generation that the world in which they live is not a jungle, where brute force, cunning and unbridled passion rule supreme, but that it has a Master Who is not an abstraction, but a personal G‑d; that this Supreme Being takes a “personal interest” in the affairs of each and every individual, and to Him everyone is accountable for one’s daily conduct.

    The Moshiach Connection:

    The released-time program for kids in public school was run by Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Hecht A”H of the NCFJE (who continues to run it today.) In honor of his shloshim on the 15th of Elul 5750 (1990) the Rebbe spoke and said the following:

    “The fourteenth of Elul marks the conclusion of the period of shloshim (the thirty days of mourning) for Rabbi Yaakov Yehudah Hecht (ז”ל) who was charged by the Previous Rebbe with spreading Torah and Yiddishkeit, particularly, in the field of Jewish education. He dedicated himself to this task with self-sacrifice for many years.

    Everything which occurs is controlled by Divine Providence. Thus, the time of Rabbi Hecht’s passing and similarly, the occasion of the shloshim are surely connected with the service to which he dedicated his life. One of the primary activities in which Rabbi Hecht was involved was the establishment of classes of Jewish education for public school children. Initially, various legal questions were raised which caused difficulties in organizing these classes. Without being deterred, Rabbi Hecht dedicated himself to these activities and ultimately was successful in obtaining government permission for this project. Through these efforts, classes were established in hundreds of different locations.

    Our Sages have elaborated on the importance of the education of young children, associating these efforts with the concepts of exile and redemption. Thus, our Sages state, “Jerusalem was destroyed solely because the Torah study of the children was nullified.” Consequently, it may be inferred that for Yerushalayim and the Beis HaMikdash to be rebuilt, efforts have to be directed to this goal.”


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