Yissachar Zevulun Program Kicks Off New Learning Year




    Seder Nashim

    Yissachar Zevulun Program Kicks Off New Learning Year

    With great fanfare, talmidim of Kvutzah 5782 were invited to attend a “grand opening” event, marking the beginning of another year of the successful “Yissachar and Zevulun” incentivized learning program, operated and funded by Igud Talmidei Hakvutzah. The bochurim were addressed about their unique role as “Yissachar”, to sit and learn with great chayus. At the event the students registered for the various learning tracks provided by the Igud. This year the program will also include a “Geulah U’Moshiach” track • Full Story, Photos

    With great fanfare, talmidim of Kvutzah 5782 were invited to attend a “grand opening” event, marking the beginning of another year of the successful “Yissachar and Zevulun” incentivized learning program, operated and funded by Igud Talmidei Hakvutzah.

    The bochurim were addressed about their unique role as “Yissachar”, to sit and learn with great chayus. At the event the students registered for the various learning tracks provided by the Igud. This year the program will also include a “Geulah U’Moshiach” track.

    The bochurim were addressed by several speakers, amongst them Rabbi Gedalyah Bluming, Rabbi Pinchas Tzvi Margolis, an others, who inspired the temimim as they enter the winter zman in yeshiva, about the importance of learning and keeping sidrei hayeshiva.

    At the end of the event, the over 200 bochurim slated to participate in the program selected their desired learning tracks from amongst the several diverse options presented to them.

    For more information on the “Yissachar and Zevulun” program, and to support Igud Talmidei Hakvutzah, click here.





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